Please click one of the smilies below, and then copy or cut from the box above and paste into your forum message. Clear the checkbox to omit the [img] markup. Tick the CommunityPlus checkbox to generate code for use on CP.
smile wink tongue bigsmile pleased haha cool rolleyes bigeyes confused
left right mad irked furious bomb scared devil eek blush
frown awww weeping worried coffee wine beeer cheers party drunk
angel faint yikes sing zipped zzz smurf papasmurf waiting love
flirt heart idea thumbsdown thumbsup whistle sst nervous headbang bandit
yes no knockout doh spock ninja pirate chef yuck alien
king queen wizard knight jester detective cat banana monkey dragonfly
pingu cow troll beard bug star hi bye RIP norris
    For use on most forums?
    For use on CommunityPlus?

    The "My Opera smilies" by Opera Software are licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0.