Alfred wrote:

There are five other libraries in the UK Legal Deposit system: please see

I knew of that Agency, but I had not seen its website before.

Thank you.

On that website is the following.

> Publishers must supply five copies of every print publication, on request, to the Agency for Legal Deposit Libraries (ALDL) in Edinburgh, for distribution to the five Legal Deposit Libraries.

A copy of a print publication must be sent within one month of publication to The British Library.

The Agency then has one year in which the request may be made. A publisher may send them in without being asked if the publisher so chooses.

With pure electronic publications, The British Library makes copies and sends them, though whether that is to the Agency or direct to the five libraries I do not know.

I was, in fact, under no obligation to send in the PDF document as The British Library gathers from websites. However, I choose to do so.

The regulations for electronic publications, both pure electronic and electronic on media, came into force in 2013. Before then, The British Library had no right to gather. However, for some years before, The British Library had a Voluntary Deposit system for electronic publications and I used to send pure electronic publications. When the regulations came in I continued to send items in as before. This so that I know that they have them for conservation.

So my Art Show can be On Tour too.

I wonder at how many locations. The British Library has Reading Rooms at London and in Yorkshire.


I have now sent a copy of the PDF document to The British Library for Legal Deposit.


GB wrote:

In Affinity Designer, is it possible ....

Shouldn't you ask this on the Affinity forum?


The fact that another forum exists does not in any way restrict the range of topics that can be discussed in this forum.


Please find attached a PDF document.

This PDF document is designed to give a good full screen display on a display that has a 16 to 9 aspect ratio, yet is displaying an A3 size artwork.

An experiment that I have tried, and got to work, is to extract the picture and export it as an A3 size PDF document with 3 millimetre bleed areas at 300 dots per inch.

I found that an interesting experiment to do. I would be interested to know of the experiences of any reader here if the experiment is tried.

The PDF document is listed as exported from Affinity Publisher. The artwork and setting up the document was done in Affinity Designer, but I wanted to include my name as Author in the PDF document properties list.


I have found artboards but I do not understand it all.

I want to produce a multipage PDF document from Affinity Designer where each page is 24 inches wide by 13.5 inches high, thus a 16:9 aspect ratio so that an A3 picture, possibly with a bleed area, can be included on any page in it at full size, and thus exportable by reading the PDF document in a desktop publishing program and exporting just the selected image, this assisted by the image having a borderless white-filled rectangle behind it, so unseen normally, yet selectable from within a desktop publishing program.


In Affinity Designer, is it possible to produce a multipage document (so that a multipage PDF document can be produced) in Affinity Designer itself please?

I have thus far only been able to get a multipage document in Affinity Designer by generating the multipage document in Affinity Publisher, saving it, then opening it in Affinity Designer (version 1 actually) and then the details are not accessible in Document Setup in Affinity Designer.

Also, if I produce a rectangle and of a given width and height and a border of a known width, then exporting that rectangle as a png graphic wants to have the size of the graphic greater than the declared size of the rectangle, so it seems that (perhaps?) the border stroke sits on the exact edge of the rectangle and extends both sides.



(1 replies, posted in Mathematics & Science)


(1 replies, posted in Art & Literature)


(1 replies, posted in Art & Literature)


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(332 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(4 replies, posted in Mathematics & Science)


(106 replies, posted in Art & Literature)

Here is the text of the svg file.

<svg width="800" height="600" xmlns="">
  <!-- Background -->
  <rect width="800" height="600" fill="skyblue" />
  <!-- Ground -->
  <rect y="500" width="800" height="100" fill="green" />
  <!-- Tracks -->
  <line x1="0" y1="520" x2="800" y2="520" stroke="black" stroke-width="5" />
  <line x1="0" y1="540" x2="800" y2="540" stroke="black" stroke-width="5" />
  <!-- Locomotive Firefly -->
  <g transform="translate(100, 520)">
    <!-- Boiler -->
    <rect x="50" y="-50" width="200" height="50" fill="darkred" />
    <!-- Chimney -->
    <rect x="230" y="-150" width="20" height="100" fill="black" />
    <!-- Cab -->
    <rect x="0" y="-50" width="50" height="50" fill="darkred" />
    <!-- Wheels -->
    <circle cx="50" cy="0" r="20" fill="black" />
    <circle cx="130" cy="-30" r="50" fill="black" />
    <circle cx="210" cy="0" r="20" fill="black" />
  <!-- Sun -->
  <circle cx="700" cy="100" r="50" fill="yellow" />


(106 replies, posted in Art & Literature)


(106 replies, posted in Art & Literature)

I have had a go at that, I hope to post the picture in the next post.



(106 replies, posted in Art & Literature)

Indeed, yes!

I am thinking at trying to produce a derivate work but within what I think are reasonable limits based on what the AI has supplied.

Specifically, to lower the locomotive onto the track, to make the middle wheel larger, and possibly to add in a copy of the image of a tree from an earlier AI generated picture that is in this thread.



(4 replies, posted in Mathematics & Science)

The video

has English subtitles available.



(4 replies, posted in Mathematics & Science)

Thank you.

When I see something like this, put forward as a bit of fun, I cannot resist trying to think of a use for it or something inspired by it.

I remember that many years ago someone put out a spoof video of what an iPhone 5 might look like in the then future. The spoof device, a mock up or whatever, not a real one, had a long screen, maybe two feet long, something like that, and i thought that that would be good because maybe people with a vision difficulty could have it horizontal and have something like lines of 72 point text on it.

So, looking at that keyboard, what use might it, or something similar, have?



(4 replies, posted in Mathematics & Science) … r-AA1rICE6


(0 replies, posted in Art & Literature)