Thank you gentlemen for your concern and willingness to assist.

well, I have no way to check if it was either Version 4 or 4X.

My belief its 4X is based on the my Licence key (I will share the 1st 8 of the 25 as per your request... : PPX4U INT01

Hope this will be helpful.

Thank once more

Hello Ericlnz.

Thank you so much for your spontaneous response and offer. Like I said am open to any Version I will willingly accept PPX5, unless someone hooks me up with PPX4 (no one so long but I suppose its too early to say).

Yes,I still do have the PPx4 product key.

You are quite right on 881887, I got it all wrong.

I will be patiently waiting for any forthcoming assistance X4 or x5 I will appreciate so so much (or even beyond)

Allow me to thank all for welcoming me.

I found this beautiful home of Pageplus Diehards through my hi and low search for a link to download PPX4.

At this point am pleading with anyone who has knowledge of where I can get it or has a copy willing to let go or share (Whatever)

My laptop was stolen from a car and with it I lost unimaginable work, luckily am used to saving document to my gmail as a backup. Installed a SE in my new PC but its got too much limitations I cant even render a PDF out. Now am sitting with lots of files that are useless if I cant get hold of an installer.

I don't mind any version. Its mentioned quite repeatedly that we can use 881887 to activate any version. (yet they keep the software away neutral)

Please, please.....