(6 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Thank you, GB and John, for helping me with this - such a lot of work had gone in to the research I was worried it had all disappeared into the ether!  The school will be happy too smile. If you're ever on the Lizard in Cornwall, you'll see it survives still in Ruan Minor - long may it continue!

Thank you both again, very much appreciated.

Best wishes


(6 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Thank you for your reply Walter.  Yes, I have Adobe smile  I can't remember which PagePlus I used, I remember upgrading at least once as it went from disks to a download, which I was dubious about, but it worked!

I've attached the file, if you can open it, fantastic!  If not, thank you very much for trying, much appreciated.


(6 replies, posted in PagePlus)


Am new to this site but wish I had found it years ago, what a mine of information!

I loved PagePlus! I used it to produce a monthly parish magazine on it for four years - I *think* I had PagePlus 6 but it is a long time ago now. I also used it in the 2000s when I did some research on the history of our village school for its 150th birthday.  I used the wonderful PagePlus and gave the school a printed version.  This has gone walkabout sadly so I said I would print off another copy … if only I had done the original in Word rather than directly in PagePlus!  It seems there is no way to open the files without the discs or the keys which are who knows where now ... it is many many computers and three house moves ago.

Is there a kind soul that could convert the .ppp files to .pdf?  I can then edit and provide the school with another copy - and keep an editable version for safekeeping!

Thanking you wishfully!
