(14 replies, posted in PagePlus)

sorry, but not like your example.
No numbers show up like on yours.
I am using Win-7 OS and you have Win-10 OS

I bought win-10 machines and had to remove it to Install Win-7 ...Many of my old software will not work above win-7 There are no replacement of those software I need.

I really don't like Win-10 at all.
If anyone wants to sell their old Page plus I am willing to buy it.
No one has one for sale.


(2 replies, posted in Art & Literature)

That was a really nice video!
Well done.


(3 replies, posted in Art & Literature)

I agree with you about the editor smile
no matter how good the editor is or the suggestions, it's really about conforming to a 'standard' of expectation by the readers.

If we all do that, nothing new ever be written.
Same with screenplays... cookie cutter-stories and productions.
I should know, being a film producer for decades... haha

My scripts and stories are not conforming to 'standards' and 'am not interested for someone to edit it. The text, stories are there as if I was speaking to you directly... misuse of words, failed structure and content is plentiful. That's just me, my character.... shows the lack of higher education smile

Yet, people want me to tell them stories of my life, real or imagined. My delivery of a mundane story, add a bit of color and presentation will get the result.. a smile, laugh or deep thought of the seriousness of the subject matter.

Started a weekly post few years ago about and old man such as myself, musings....
So the title is Musings for Geezers.

Young people don't care about it. It doesn't contain car chase, explosions, drugs and wild sex in the subway car after midnight smile

We all had life experiences and it's time to talk about it or read... and remember the good times we all had and some really shitty ones as well.

Here's an example of my posts. I will have a website soon as I find my WebPlus software for my Win-7 machine....


Wow.. that's a lot of work for one print smile

I made woodcuts myself dual color. Real wood carving and not the easy way of linoleum material.
Wood gives is a better depth and each print is slightly different.

In my studio office you can see the original wood cut on the wall. It is in reverse so the print says Hamm's Beer. ( note; I did NOT make the actual art for the Hamm's beer and this is my IMPRESSION of that print-ad)

Zoom in the image to see it in closer ...

Next to the Hamm's woodcut is a logo I made for a local rock band.
Actual size or the original art... for a banner.



(0 replies, posted in Art & Literature)

I am an artist for 60 plus years now...
Today is 9/11 day of remembering THAT day.

When I saw the news feed in real-time it was shocking.
The end of that day I made a wood frame and covered with a canvas and created a multimedia art. (two days to complete it)

This 9/11 is my home at the entry room.
Zoom in the bottom right and see the title and my signature.

The art is about the ending of the day, the image in my mind.
If I didn't tell you the title, it looks as fog in the marsh and some colorful flowers at the bottom of the reeds... once you see the title, the impression changes to the few steel structure still standing in the distance.

My arts are always look at the present and the future the same time....The smoldering fire at the bottom and smoke is a dual message... the future after the disaster and a peaceful scene smile

The canvas is 5X5Ft



(14 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Thank you kindly for the tip... I already looked into that and there was no numbers or product key visible with WIN-7 OS

The 881887  is what I need to put in the regist-key?
Not enough numbers...
Am I missing something? (beside some brain cells...)


(14 replies, posted in PagePlus)

PPX9 ...No CD, lost it and didn't write down the key.
I have on one computer running X9... is there a way I can see the product number key????
I did not want to register it.... but I am still using it, bypass the nag-pop up.

The HELP menu don't show it.
I bought the X9 from Amazon long time ago smile

I do have PPX7 product key and disk, but that key will not work, obviously.

Downloaded the PPX9 but no product key.
15 hrs to download.

If anyone has a CD and legal PPX9 and Product key. I am willing to pay for it.


(14 replies, posted in PagePlus)

I don't have the Product Key ...
How do I bypass it?


(0 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I downloaded the exe file and tried to install it.
Wanted a Product key.... don't have one.
Any suggestion?

I did buy the original X9 but no idea where is my CD and product key.
They can't help me at the mfg site.

If nothing else, I need to buy an original X9 CD who has one for sale and I can still use it with the product key?

The only reason I can't use the new versions .. windows-7 used and not interested to upgrade. No installer for Win-7 with the new version.
Maybe there is a solution?

Thanks for your help smile