(3 replies, posted in DrawPlus)


When I use either Pageplus (9) or Drawplus (8) I consider my page (one) as:  Front - right hand side, and Rear - Left side of the page (when folded).
A second or subsequent pages are constructed in the same way.
Sometimes I draw a thin dividing line down the centre to help when folding.

You should find then that your work prints as you want ,  - "current page" in each case.
Sometimes, a trial print in Draft mode helps check the orientation is correct for both sides etc.

I hope that helps.

tomH wrote:

I see that Affinity Publisher is 40% off the regular price and wonder if it's time to upgrade. I use PagePlus x9 for newsletters, calendars, and flyers (PDF) regularly and without any problems.  Is anyone aware of what benefits Affinity Publisher has to offer over PP, or should I save the $42?

thanks, tomH


I started with Serif back when it was a freebee on a diskette and have all the offerings 'till they finished
and invested in Affinity when it was first published but have not progressed to the latest version.

I had a look at it but, as others have said here, prefer to use the earlier apps and find them perfect for my requirements.
They are installed on Windows 11 with no problems. (MoviePlusX6, DrawplusX8 and PageplusX9)
Its handy to have the codec for certain file types. (Movieplus)