Really? What do you think ‘somber’ means, Ali?

You misunderstood: sombre and somber are the same word with different (British v. US) spellings. Normalcy and normality might have the same meaning, but they are not the same word.

My point was that whoever wrote the piece, if they are American, may be aware of the British spelling of certain words, but not so au fait with vocabulary usage/preferences. Does this make sense now?

Because the journalist in question is aware of some Britishisms, but not others? And it’s not a spelling difference, it’s a different word.

'Normalcy' is not a British English word. 'Normality' would have been my chosen word. Was it written by a US journalist working for the BBC?


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks, Alfred. smile


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I used to use one for events at a pub. Worked well.

I believe a slider can have time and date driven panels.


(3 replies, posted in WebPlus)

I’ve just switched to WYSIWYG Web Builder and I am finding it reasonably easy. It gives you the option to set breakpoints and handles the design changes for you. You can tweak things easily enough.

I wouldn't leave it to to do the upscaling. The photo editing software I use (ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2025) has introduced an AI Resizing option in its latest version: it does a great job, but is processor heavy. I don't know if Affinity has such an option.

Upscaling can be very crude, which is why I would suggest doing it yourself and sending an image of the required dimensions to the printer.


(705 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

I’m not new to most people here. I was a member of the old old Serif forums - and just didn’t sign up here until the other day!


(705 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

I'm a linguist, too - teacher (Head of Department latterly) for over 30 years (now retired), and I think it goes with the territory. Misused apostrophes and homophones are my main triggers. I don't carry a marker with me, though. big_smile


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It was drawn from a photo taken of me at a New Year's Eve party in 2008. I'm now 60 - the new avatar was taken at Chatsworth House in September 0f 2023. Time marches on!

Thanks, Joe. I did find what I wanted late yesterday amongst Pablo's extensions for WWB - it's called bxSlider.

Eric - my new avatar is too big - I need to tweak it!!! Now done.

Thanks, Joe.

I haven't had a proper look yet, but I want something that:

(a) Allows a mix of orientation of file whilst maintaining aspect ratio;
(b) Does not have to open up as a lightbox.

I want something that will start automatically as a slideshow on the page but without having to have thumbnails. So far I haven't found anything that does quite what I want.

Very sorry to read this, Alfred. I used a few of Steve's templates when I was building websites. Sad news.

Hi, all!

Some of you may remember me from the old Serif forums as an avid user of WebPlus. Well, I have finally reached the end of the road with it, sadly, and am moving over to WYSIWYG Web Builder.

I was wondering if anyone had had any success using a slider generated in WebPlus in a WWB site? I can access all of the code from the HTML on my old website and I have all of the components needs (.js files), but I don't know if or how I can incorporate them into my new (responsive) site.

I am going to ask the same question on the WWB forum.

Happy Christmas!