Topic: Setting time zone and daylight saving time.
I'm sure there has been some discussion on this in the past, but I can't find it, so I'll ask again.
I noticed that most if not all of the times displayed in posts were one hour out, high.
I navigated to my profile/settings and found that the box for daylight saving time (DST) was ticked. I would have expected that meant the forum background system would set/unset DST automatically.
This appears not to be the case, so I unticked the box, which sets all post times to GMT, winter time or whatever you want to call it.
Do I really have to do that every time change DST/GMT?
One might not be very concerned about whether posts were tagged with DST or GMT, but it is interesting when one is looking for posts tagged today or yesterday. Posts entered in the hour before midnight were tagged as today, so one entered at 11:30pm (23:00) was shown as today, 00:30. That's what alerted me to the point. (I hope I've got the order right!)