1 (edited by seaforthcastle 2023-06-04 10:18:28)

Topic: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

Like some, I no longer have the unlock codes to the codecs so I thought that a discussion of what is good and what is not in the default installation of MoviePlus X6 might be useful. I still like the software despite not being able to do everything I'd like. Plus, no pun intended; what are the workarounds if any.

I imported a .mov file (that's an Apple Quicktime file) as my test file. MoviePlus prompts during installation for Quicktime but I have it installed. With the file in the video track I then tried to export to file:

Do Work:
Quicktime (*.mov)
Windows Media Audio and Video (*.wmv)
Windows Media Audio (*.wma)
Waveform Audio (*.wav)

Do not work:
MP4 Video (*.mp4)
MPEG Video (*.mpg; *mrts; *.m2t)
Video for Windows (*.avi)

The licensing Serif used for the MP4 video and AAC appears to have originated from a company: www.mpegla.com which is now www.via-la.com.

What I am interested in is the function in MoviePlus which is supposed to allow users to select an alternative codec. When a codec is not found for imported media it is supposed to show a broken icon and then the user is supposed to be able to search for an alternative. What happens to me is that the icon defaults to locked for mp4 and then the search button is disabled.

Also, I'm going to look at possible workarounds which may involve simply using other software to convert *.mov or *.wmv files to *.mp4 by other means.

2 (edited by seaforthcastle 2023-06-04 09:09:02)

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

MoviePlus requires Quicktime which is currently available from apple: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL837?view … cale=en_US

"Important: QuickTime 7 for Windows is no longer supported by Apple. New versions of Windows since 2009 have included support for the key media formats, such as H.264 and AAC, that QuickTime 7 enabled. All current Windows web browsers support video without the need for browser plug-ins. If you no longer need QuickTime 7 on your PC, follow the instructions for uninstalling QuickTime 7 for Windows."

I install Quicktime, assuming that MoviePlus needs it to be present, prior to installing Serif's software; even though it may be currently present in Windows.

3 (edited by seaforthcastle 2023-06-04 09:00:24)

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

This is the excerpt from the license regarding MPEG, presented for information:

Any use of this product other than consumer personal use in any manner that complies with the MPEG-2 standard for encoding video information for packaged media is expressly prohibited without a license under applicable patents in the MPEG-2 patent portfolio, which license is available from MPEG LA, L.L.C., 250 Steele Street, Suite 300 , Denver Colorado 80206

MPEGLA is now http://www.via-la.com/

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box


There are mov files in MoviePlus installation paths:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Serif\MoviePlus\X6 Digital Edition\Media\Overlays

You can find wmv, mpg, and mvp files here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Serif\MoviePlus\X6 Digital Edition\Samples


There are wma files here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Serif\MoviePlus\X6 Digital Edition\Tutorials\Workspace\Tutorials Workspace\Audio

There are mp3 files here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Serif\MoviePlus\X6 Digital Edition\QuickMovies\Music

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

The Find Codec button is not enabled despite some indications that alternate codecs should be available for example the text in the help reads:

Codecs are managed from Tools>Options>File Types (click the Codec Manager... button). The dialog stores records of trusted and alternative codecs that reside on your computer after installing third-party software (codec packs and media players). It is possible to build up a list of trusted codecs for each format listed in the Formats box—this can be done manually or automatically when selecting an alternative codec during the Find Codec operation.

These trusted codecs can be prioritized with Move Up or Move Down buttons such that the topmost codec is highest priority.

The Select button allows you to add a codec from the Alternative codec list into the Trusted Codec list for the currently selected Format. The Remove button does the opposite.

Serif's instructions regarding the use of the Codes follows below:

Using the Media pane
Media files with unknown codecs are easily spotted in the Media pane as they show a warning symbol in the thumbnail.

Media files with and without poster thumbnail

To trust media file codecs:
Select the problem media file (with thumbnail as above).

Click the  Find Codec button on the top of the Media pane. From the Find Codec dialog, the media file is interrogated (to read its format) so that an alternative codec can be offered.

Click OK to try the suggested codec. If the media file's thumbnail no longer shows a warning, then you've successfully resolved your codec issue. You can use your file in MoviePlus as any other.

You may prefer to use another suggested codec, by clicking the List alternative codecs... button. The subsequent dialog lets you select from a list of other alternative codecs.

Select a codec from the list and click OK to check the file's thumbnail as before. The codec will become a trusted codec and will be added to the end of a trusted Codec list (in Codec Manager dialog).

It is possible that you may find video clips already present on your timeline which no longer possess poster thumbnails. This may be because the codecs which were previously trusted by a third party may not be present on your computer (if you are inheriting a MoviePlus project from another computer).

To enable such clips again, right-click on the clip, select Find Codec... from the menu, and follow the instructions described in To trust media file codecs above.

Now when I select either an mpg or mp4 file they are locked and the Find Codec Button (1) to find an alternative codec is disabled. I have to tinker with this further.


Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

By the way, when I import the mpg file I am prompted to add a codec, which is now impossible as the codec server is no longer available:


The same thing happens for mp4:


Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

Basically you are unfortunately stuffed without the unlock codes.

With "mov" files be wary.  Mov is only a container and it's the codec used inside that matters.  It may not decode all "mov" files.

Your biggest problem is having codecs to decode your source material.   If you overcome that hurdle and can export from MVPX6 as "mov" you could use Handbrake to convert the files to mp4.  Handbrake is a free and often recommended download and has a batch facility so you can let it convert a batch of files overnight.

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

Hi thanks for the reply. Agreed. I've been doing some testing to try and sort things out so that I can use MoviePlus in the least painful way. Basically the purpose of the post is to show the route I am using to understand what is happening and get something into the software. For example, I have a Kodak EasyShare DX7590 I use a lot and it records mov files. My spouse and I also record mp4 videos on our cellphones and therein lies the stumbling block for most I think. So far it appears that mov appears to be the container of choice for importing files into MoviePlus so the problem becomes how do you get the mp4 file into mov in a way that allows MoviePlus to edit the video.

I've tried a couple of tests with various things, including OpenShot, (which did something strange to the video) but what appears to work nicely, going from my cell mp4 to mov is ShutterEncoder.


It will rewrap the mp4 file to mov and it opens ok in MoviePlus (so far). That seems less invasive? It is free to download but its author is looking for donations. Here's a screen capture of the rewrap settings:


I haven't tried Handbrake yet.

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

I'll see if I can't report on the codecs inside the containers...

10 (edited by seaforthcastle 2023-06-04 12:24:52)

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

Before rewrap:

mp4, codec h264, bitrate 1600514, codec aac, 2 channels, bitrate 156225

After rewrap:

mov, codec h264, bitrate 1560350, codec aac, 2 channels, bitrate 156405

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

The mov file created by the Kodak camera is as follows:

mov, codec mpeg4, bitrate 243926, audio codec PCM_mdlaw, 1 channnel, mono, bitrate 128000

640 480, 4:3, Frame rate 99999, not interlaced

12 (edited by ericlnz 2023-06-05 00:59:55)

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

I'm pleasantly surprised that MVPX6 decodes your rewrap as the video is h264.  Rewrap your Kodak' files the same way and you are halfway there.

Handbrake only renders to mp4 or mkv so won't help you converting to mov.

Shutter Encode is also frequently recommended by the Pros.   So you could also use it to convert your MVPX6 mov file exports to mp4.

13 (edited by JohnD 2023-08-26 14:00:29)

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

I don't understand why Serif disabled the 'Find Codec' button for MP4 or any other format. I've installed 'KLite Codec Pack' (free) which has very good codecs for most all of the popular formats (including H264 MP4). So why won't Serif allow us to use them? If we use third party codecs, Serif should be off the hook for licensing. What am I missing? Kinda pathetic. End rant.

I'm stranded in 'feature locked' mode (old harddrive died). So I've been using WMV format to import media into MoviePlusX6. I use FFMPEG (free) to convert my MP4s to WMV. It converts lots of formats. FFMPEG is basically command line or batch file, so no UI. If you get stuck on syntax, drop a question here.

BTW, MoviePlusX6 did allow me to use the Klite WMV codec (using the 'Find Codec' button ), so it does work for that format at least.

14 (edited by GStree 2023-11-05 14:58:37)

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

I am still an avid user of Movieplus X6 that still works perfectly on my laptops. I live in Spain for 5-6 months of the year and have the same software on the one I keep in Spain.
Luckily I kept my old computer when I first installed it that is still in the attic, along with the original installation disk and subsequently added them to various computers along the way.
I can use and render  2.7k footage with X6 and short bursts of 4K with proxy files, if I have lots of 4K I use the free download of the Viddly edit software to render it down and finish it in X6, also the green screen in Viddly is far superior. All of my videos on my YouTube (GStree) site are still made with it.
Why no one else has ever made a program like X6 I'll never know ?
This is one I made the other week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvsYLE0BPLA

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

Obtenir le déverouillage en changeant de PC.
Comme le Disque Dur de mon ancien ordinateur est HS, je ne peux pas procéder à l'export des paramètres de déverrouillage après l'installation de MVPX6 sur mon nouveau PC.
Si vous avez une solution pour importer ces codes de déverrouillage, je suis preneur.
Merci de votre aide. Robert Féraud

Re: MoviePlus X6: What's Good and What's Not Out of the Box

GStree wrote:

I am still an avid user of Movieplus X6 that still works perfectly on my laptops. I live in Spain for 5-6 months of the year and have the same software on the one I keep in Spain.
Luckily I kept my old computer when I first installed it that is still in the attic, along with the original installation disk and subsequently added them to various computers along the way.
I can use and render  2.7k footage with X6 and short bursts of 4K with proxy files, if I have lots of 4K I use the free download of the Viddly edit software to render it down and finish it in X6, also the green screen in Viddly is far superior. All of my videos on my YouTube (GStree) site are still made with it.
Why no one else has ever made a program like X6 I'll never know ?
This is one I made the other week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvsYLE0BPLA

Nice job staying out of the master shot Gordon. I only saw you once.
Rock on.