Re: Cats, cats, and more cats!

Here's my little fella.

Re: Cats, cats, and more cats!

Wow, very stripey! And those ears are amazing!! What breed is it?

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: Cats, cats, and more cats!

Alfred wrote:

Wow, very stripey! And those ears are amazing!! What breed is it?

Thank you, Alfred! I often get confused, so it could actually be either a Don Sphynx or a Canadian Sphynx big_smile

Re: Cats, cats, and more cats!

Radioastron wrote:
Alfred wrote:

Wow, very stripey! And those ears are amazing!! What breed is it?

Thank you, Alfred! I often get confused, so it could actually be either a Don Sphynx or a Canadian Sphynx big_smile

Thanks. I found references to the Canadian Sphynx when I did an image search yesterday, but reading about the Don (Donskoy) Sphynx just now it seems that they’re not related genetically.

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: Cats, cats, and more cats!

Alfred wrote:

Thanks. I found references to the Canadian Sphynx when I did an image search yesterday, but reading about the Don (Donskoy) Sphynx just now it seems that they’re not related genetically.

They're both funny anyway!


Re: Cats, cats, and more cats!

What they would really like to do

I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.