Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Please write an original ballet.

Sure, I’d be happy to create a brief outline for a ballet. Here it is:

# "The Enchanted Forest"

## Act 1: The Village
- Scene 1: The villagers are celebrating the harvest festival. The village leader's daughter, Elara, is chosen as the Harvest Queen.
- Scene 2: Elara, feeling the weight of her new responsibilities, escapes to the forest for solitude. She encounters a mysterious, glowing creature.

## Act 2: The Enchanted Forest
- Scene 1: Elara follows the creature deeper into the forest, where she discovers a hidden, magical world.
- Scene 2: Elara dances with the forest creatures, who crown her their queen. She is gifted a magical amulet that grants her the power to protect the forest.

## Act 3: The Return
- Scene 1: Elara returns to the village and uses her new powers to bring prosperity. However, she longs for the freedom of the forest.
- Scene 2: The villagers notice Elara's unhappiness and, recognizing her love for the forest, release her from her duties as Harvest Queen.

## Act 4: The Coronation
- Scene 1: Elara returns to the forest, where she is warmly welcomed.
- Scene 2: A grand coronation ceremony is held, and Elara is officially crowned as the Queen of the Enchanted Forest.

## Finale
- The ballet concludes with a grand ensemble piece, symbolizing the harmony between the village and the forest under Elara's rule.

This is a very basic outline and can be expanded upon with more characters, subplots, and detailed choreography. I hope this helps inspire your ballet!

77 (edited by William 2023-12-21 09:13:14)

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

In the early 1970s, at my then workplace, I noticed two researchers trying, using a Spanish-English dictionary, trying to translate a paper, in what they thought was Spanish, into English. I glanced at the paper and said that it was in Portuguese.

"Do you speak Portuguese?" I was asked.

I replied that I did not - I was interested in printing and I knew that the accented a character with the sine wave like accent is used in Portuguese and is not in Spanish.

(This was because in the Riscatype catalogue of metal type for handsetting there was a page that listed the accented characters needed for various languages.)

So, although I still do not speak Portuguese, this is the reason for choosing Portuguese so as to have a look at what Bing Chat AI can do in languages other than English.

So I asked Bing Chat AI the following.

Please write an original song in Portuguese.

Sure, here’s a simple song in Portuguese:

(Verse 1)
No céu azul, vejo um sonho voar,
Sobre as ondas do mar, a esperança a brilhar.
Nas estrelas distantes, vejo o teu olhar,
No silêncio da noite, ouço o teu cantar.

Vamos dançar, sob a lua a brilhar,
Nas ruas de amor, onde os sonhos vão morar.
Vamos cantar, até o amanhecer,
Com a melodia do amor, que nunca vai perecer.

(Verse 2)
Na brisa suave, sinto o teu abraçar,
Nos campos verdes, vejo o teu caminhar.
Nas montanhas altas, ouço o teu chamar,
No coração da terra, sinto o teu pulsar.

Vamos dançar, sob a lua a brilhar,
Nas ruas de amor, onde os sonhos vão morar.
Vamos cantar, até o amanhecer,
Com a melodia do amor, que nunca vai perecer.

Na dança da vida, vamos celebrar,
Com a canção do amor, que sempre vai ecoar.

Please note that this is a simple song and may not adhere to all the complexities of songwriting. Enjoy! X


I am pleased to note the use in the text of the song of what I now know to be an a tilde character.

I used Google translate to find the meaning before posting it here.

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Please produce the text of a sign for placing near the exit of an art gallery. On each line have the text "Thank you for visiting" translated into a language of your choice. Use as many lines as you consider reasonable to have on the sign. Each line must be in a different language from the language of each other line.

I got seventeen lines and text in seven scripts at the first request and twelve lines and text in seven scripts at the second request.

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

William wrote:

I got seventeen lines and text in seven scripts at the first request and twelve lines and text in seven scripts at the second request.

I don't know what you mean by "lines and text" and "scripts"?

When I tried your prompt using Bing Co-Pilot, I got this:

Sure, I can generate some translations for you. Here is a possible sign for the art gallery exit:

Thank you for visiting
Merci de votre visite
Gracias por su visita
Danke für Ihren Besuch
Grazie per la visita
Obrigado pela visita

I hope this helps.

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Thank you.

The AI system produced seven lines of text for you.

There are two scripts. The first six lines are each in Latin script, and the seventh line is in, I think, Chinese script.

Examples of scripts are Latin script, which is used for most of the languages of Europe, Greek script that is used for Greek, Cyrillic script that is used for Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and I think Serbian, I do not know if there are other languages that use Cyrillic script.

There is lots of information about Scripts in The Unicode Standard.


81 (edited by pberk 2023-12-22 15:02:57)

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

William wrote:

Thank you.

The AI system produced seven lines of text for you.

There are two scripts. The first six lines are each in Latin script, and the seventh line is in, I think, Chinese script.

Examples of scripts are Latin script, which is used for most of the languages of Europe, Greek script that is used for Greek, Cyrillic script that is used for Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and I think Serbian, I do not know if there are other languages that use Cyrillic script.

There is lots of information about Scripts in The Unicode Standard.


Got it.  I never gave much thought to scripts -- sort of take them for granted -- this reminded me when I was young I worked for "Mortuary Management Magazine" and learned to run an offset press in our direct mail division.  Seems to me we did have some old typesetting printers that were at the end of their lives.  I thought the letterpress was Multigraph, but not sure.   I might have actually done some typeset, backwards. Our script was Latin, I guess.

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Here is a science fiction story, written this afternoon by the Bing Chat AI system. It consists of four parts. I gave the system a first prompt, then I asked for a rewrite so as not to mention the real AI project that it had mentioned, and the AI system did the rewrite, then a second prompt after I read what that produced, then a third prompt after reading the result of the second prompt, then a fourth prompt after rewading the result of the third prompt.

Here is the story that was produced. I have archived the prompts. What follows here is the whole story produced by the AI system.


In the year 2130, the annual Global Robotics Conference was held in Neo-Tokyo. The conference was a spectacle of the latest advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence. Among the attendees was a woman who stood out from the crowd. She was wearing a **Kitty Foyle dress** in a striking shade of **cobalt blue**. The choice of colour was a nod to the future, symbolizing the depth and mystery of the unknown.

As she moved gracefully through the crowd, her dress shimmered under the neon lights, drawing the attention of many attendees. A group of curious scientists approached her, intrigued by her presence.

"Excuse me, miss," one of them began, "We couldn't help but notice your unique attire. Are you, by any chance, a humanoid robot with an AI brain?"

The woman turned to face them, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Why do you ask?" she replied, her voice melodious yet precise.

"Well, your dress, it's an unusual choice, and your movements are so fluid, so perfect, they seem almost... programmed," the scientist explained.

The woman laughed, a sound as rich and warm as a human's. "I see your point," she said. "But isn't it fascinating that you can't tell? That's the beauty of the advancements we've made in AI and robotics. I am indeed a humanoid robot, powered by an AI brain. My creators chose this dress as a symbol of the progress we've made."

The scientists were taken aback, impressed by her eloquence and the sophistication of her AI. The woman in the cobalt blue Kitty Foyle dress became the talk of the conference, a testament to the blurred lines between human and machine in the world of tomorrow.

As the conference drew to a close, the woman in the cobalt blue Kitty Foyle dress had one more encounter to make. She found herself standing in front of a human woman, her eyes reflecting the same cobalt blue of the dress. This was no ordinary meeting; the woman was the very person upon whom the humanoid robot was modelled.

Years ago, they had looked like identical twins. The same cobalt blue eyes, the same graceful movements, the same melodious voice. The human woman, now older, looked at her robotic counterpart with a mix of nostalgia and pride.

"Seeing you here, among the greatest minds in robotics, it's like looking into a mirror of the past," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

The humanoid robot replied, "And for me, it's like looking into a mirror of the future. A future where humans and robots coexist, learn, and grow together."

Their meeting was a poignant reminder of the incredible journey of artificial intelligence and robotics. From the creation of identical twins to the evolution of distinct identities, the story of the woman and her robotic counterpart became a symbol of the limitless possibilities of the future.

As the evening fell, the conference attendees gathered for the grand dinner. The human woman, the original model for the humanoid robot, was among the guests. She found herself seated next to the group of scientists who had earlier interacted with her robotic counterpart.

"Good evening," she greeted them, her voice strikingly similar to the humanoid robot's. The scientists turned to her, their expressions registering surprise and then recognition.

"Good evening," one of them replied, "You bear an uncanny resemblance to the humanoid robot we met earlier today. The one in the cobalt blue Kitty Foyle dress."

The woman smiled, "That's because she was modelled after me. We were identical twins, so to speak, some years ago."

The revelation sparked a lively conversation about the advancements in AI and robotics, the ethical implications, and the future of human-robot interactions. The dinner, under the starlit sky of Neo-Tokyo, became a melting pot of ideas and shared dreams for a future where humans and robots coexist and thrive.

While the dinner was taking place inside, the humanoid robot found herself on a patio outside. She stood there, her cobalt blue Kitty Foyle dress reflecting the soft glow of the patio lights. She looked up at the starlit sky, her sensors capturing the beauty of the cosmos.

The humanoid robot, despite her artificial nature, was programmed to appreciate aesthetics. The stars, scattered across the night sky like a handful of diamonds, were a sight to behold. It was a quiet moment of reflection for her, a testament to the marvels of technology and the wonders of the universe.

Inside, the human conversations continued, their voices a soft murmur against the backdrop of the night. Outside, under the vast expanse of the starlit sky, the humanoid robot stood in silent contemplation, a symbol of the future looking out into the infinite possibilities of tomorrow.

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Please write an original science fiction story, with dialogue, set in the future, when humanoid robots are common and each humanoid robot wears a Kitty Foyle dress, a human woman wearing a Kitty Foyle dress enters a supermarket. While in the canned vegetables aisle she is told that as she is wearing a Kitty Foyle dress that she is a robot. She explains that that is illogical reasoning and explains the Fallacy of the Undistributed Middle.


In the year 2130, humanoid robots were as common as smartphones in the early 21st century. Each of these robots was distinctively dressed in a Kitty Foyle dress, a classic black dress with a white collar, a style that had somehow become the standard for robot fashion.

One day, a human woman named Ada, also wearing a Kitty Foyle dress, walked into a supermarket. As she strolled down the canned vegetables aisle, a man approached her.

"Excuse me, ma'am," he said, "but you must be one of those new model robots. Your dress is a dead giveaway."

Ada chuckled, "Oh, because I'm wearing a Kitty Foyle dress, you assume I'm a robot?"

"Isn't that the case?" the man asked, looking slightly confused.

Ada shook her head, "That's a logical fallacy, my friend. You're committing the Fallacy of the Undistributed Middle."

The man looked even more confused, "The Fallacy of the what now?"

"The Undistributed Middle," Ada repeated, "It's a common logical fallacy. You're saying that all robots wear Kitty Foyle dresses, and because I'm wearing a Kitty Foyle dress, I must be a robot. But that's not necessarily true. While it's true that all robots wear Kitty Foyle dresses, not all beings that wear Kitty Foyle dresses are robots. I'm a human, and I also happen to like this style."

The man blinked, "Oh, I see. My apologies, ma'am. I didn't mean to offend."

Ada smiled, "No offense taken. It's always a good day when you can teach someone something new."

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Interesting.  Who's to say if Ginger Rogers was actually a robot that launched an Army of robots who won the war!

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Happy Christmas to Alfred, William .. and everyone.

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Thank you.

I have this morning posted to the Unicode mailing list a post that contains a link to page 4 of this thread.

The post is available in the archives. … 10677.html

Any public replies during December 2023 should become archived and then viewable from the following web page. … /date.html

Some readers might like the following link to an index of all of the archives of the mailing list that are available. … icode.html


Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Please write an original song in Welsh such that the song contains the word for water that has a w circumflex character in it.

Welsh Song about Water

Sure, I’d be happy to create a song for you in Welsh. The word for water in Welsh is “dŵr”, which contains the “w” circumflex character. Here’s a simple song:

(Verse 1)
Yn y bore, pan mae'r haul yn codi,
Rwy'n edrych ar y dŵr yn y llyn,
Mae'r byd yn dechrau deffro,
Ac mae'r dŵr yn adlewyrchu'r gwenynen.

O dŵr, dŵr, dŵr, ti yw fy nghalon,
Ti yw'r bywyd, ti yw'r cân,
Heb dy nerth, ni fyddai bywyd,
O dŵr, dŵr, dŵr, ti yw fy nghalon.

(Verse 2)
Pan mae'r nos yn dod, a'r seren yn disgleirio,
Rwy'n eistedd wrth yr afon a gwrando ar y dŵr yn llifo,
Mae'r sŵn yn dawel, ond mae'n dweud stori,
Am y byd o'm cwmpas, a'r dŵr sy'n ei ddal yn fyw.

O dŵr, dŵr, dŵr, ti yw fy nghalon,
Ti yw'r bywyd, ti yw'r cân,
Heb dy nerth, ni fyddai bywyd,
O dŵr, dŵr, dŵr, ti yw fy nghalon.

Please note that this is a simple song and may not fully adhere to the complex rules of Welsh poetry. Enjoy! X


Thank you. Please supply a translation into English.


Of course, here’s the English translation of the song:

(Verse 1)
In the morning, when the sun is rising,
I look at the water in the lake,
The world begins to wake up,
And the water reflects the honeybee.

Oh water, water, water, you are my heart,
You are life, you are the song,
Without your strength, there would be no life,
Oh water, water, water, you are my heart.

(Verse 2)
When the night comes, and the star shines,
I sit by the river and listen to the water flow,
The sound is quiet, but it tells a story,
About the world around me, and the water that keeps it alive.

Oh water, water, water, you are my heart,
You are life, you are the song,
Without your strength, there would be no life,
Oh water, water, water, you are my heart.

I hope you enjoy the song in both languages! X


Thank you. The song is beautiful.


I’m glad you liked it! If you have any other requests or need assistance with something else, feel free to ask. X

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Please write an original poem in Welsh where only the present tense is used and the language is such that it is intended to be understood by someone who is at an early stage of learning Welsh. Please do not include an English translation at this time.

Sure, here’s a simple poem in Welsh using only the present tense:

Dwi'n cerdded ar y traeth,
Dwi'n gweld y môr yn glân.
Dwi'n clywed adar yn canu,
Dwi'n teimlo'r gwynt yn fy ngwallt.

Dwi'n blasu halen ar fy nghroen,
Dwi'n arogli'r mor yn ffres.
Dwi'n caru bywyd yma,
Dwi'n byw yn y presennol.

This poem describes a walk on the beach, experiencing the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of the sea, and expressing a love for life in the present moment. Enjoy! X


You have got Dwi'n but should it be Dw i'n with a space included?

Yes, you’re correct. In formal written Welsh, it’s more common to see “Dw i’n” with a space. However, in colloquial speech and informal writing, it’s often contracted to “Dwi’n”. Here’s the corrected version of the poem:

Dw i'n cerdded ar y traeth,
Dw i'n gweld y môr yn glân.
Dw i'n clywed adar yn canu,
Dw i'n teimlo'r gwynt yn fy ngwallt.

Dw i'n blasu halen ar fy nghroen,
Dw i'n arogli'r mor yn ffres.
Dw i'n caru bywyd yma,
Dw i'n byw yn y presennol.

Thank you for pointing out the error. I appreciate your help in improving the accuracy of the poem. X

Oh, I did not know that sometimes it is contracted to Dwi'n. Thank you for informing me.
Could you add a third verse, a verse containing the Welsh word for water that has a w circumflex accent please.

Absolutely, I’m glad you found the information helpful. The Welsh word for water is “dŵr”, which includes a w with a circumflex accent. Here’s the poem with an added third verse:

Dw i'n cerdded ar y traeth,
Dw i'n gweld y môr yn glân.
Dw i'n clywed adar yn canu,
Dw i'n teimlo'r gwynt yn fy ngwallt.

Dw i'n blasu halen ar fy nghroen,
Dw i'n arogli'r mor yn ffres.
Dw i'n caru bywyd yma,
Dw i'n byw yn y presennol.

Dw i'n yfed dŵr o'r afon,
Dw i'n gwylio'r tonnau'n chwarae.
Dw i'n mwynhau pob eiliad,
Dw i'n byw yn y dyddiau hyn.

This third verse describes drinking water from the river and watching the waves play, enjoying every moment and living in these days. I hope you enjoy it! X


Drinking water from the river could be very unhealthy. Can you change the third verse so that the Welsh word for water is still in the poem yet there in no drinking of water from the river please.

Of course, I understand your concern. Here’s the revised poem with the third verse changed:

Dw i'n cerdded ar y traeth,
Dw i'n gweld y môr yn glân.
Dw i'n clywed adar yn canu,
Dw i'n teimlo'r gwynt yn fy ngwallt.

Dw i'n blasu halen ar fy nghroen,
Dw i'n arogli'r mor yn ffres.
Dw i'n caru bywyd yma,
Dw i'n byw yn y presennol.

Dw i'n gwylio dŵr yr afon yn llifo,
Dw i'n gwylio'r tonnau'n chwarae.
Dw i'n mwynhau pob eiliad,
Dw i'n byw yn y dyddiau hyn.

In this revised third verse, the speaker is watching the river water flow and the waves play, enjoying every moment and living in these days. I hope you find this version more suitable! X


Now please provide a translation into English of the finished poem.
Sure, here’s the English translation of the poem:

I'm walking on the beach,
I'm seeing the sea so pure.
I'm hearing birds singing,
I'm feeling the wind in my hair.

I'm tasting salt on my skin,
I'm smelling the fresh sea.
I'm loving life here,
I'm living in the present.

I'm watching the river water flow,
I'm watching the waves play.
I'm enjoying every moment,
I'm living in these days.

This poem captures the simple pleasures of a day at the beach, the beauty of nature, and the joy of living in the present moment. I hope you enjoy it! X

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

At my present level of learning I can understand some of the poem directly from the Welsh, it is mostly a matter of my limited knowledge of vocabulary.

Dw i'n


I am

and is from

Dw i yn

yet contracted.

where literally the Dw is in English am and the i is I and the yn is a Welsh word that does not translate but I tend to think of it as meaning, in this situation, "doing".

It appears that whereas in French we have Je mange and that in English we have I eat and I am eating, that Welsh has Dw i'n bwyta.

I recognized some of the words, though not many.

One delightful word that I learned early on is mwynhau (pronounced as sort of "moon-high") which is enjoy and enjoying.

So effectively, I think, I am doing enjoying

I am learning Welsh from the free course at

One needs to register after the first lesson. It is free but one's profile is (at least when I joined, I don't know about now) public by default, but one can switch it to private.


Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Do you remember the story about the lady at the robotics conference upthread?

It is in the post that is two posts before the post that has a picture.

Now that there is a gap, here are the prompts that I used.

Please write an original science fiction story about a robotics conference in the future where there is an event where what appears to be a woman wearing a Kitty Foyle dress is questioned by some of the attendees of the conference as to whether she is a human or a humanoid robot with an AI brain and she replies to the questions. Mention the colour of her Kitty Foyle dress and a reason for that choice of colour please.

Can you rewrite it without any reference to the [redacted in this transcript] project please?

Can you add a part where later she meets with the woman upon whom she was modelled some years ago. At the time they looked like identical twins.

Can you add that there is a conference dinner and the human meets there the scientists who met the humanoid robot.

Can you add a part where, while the dinner was taking place, the humanoid robot was stood on a patio outside looking at the starlit sky please.


Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

So I tried the same prompts so as to observe the result of a different "run" of the prompts.

I asked for a rewrite of the second part as a specific name was mentioned. I did not recognize the name but to be sure the name was not that of a real person I asked for a rewrite without the name and that was done.

I will try to post the result, without the prompts.

Some parts of the result are as before, some are different.


Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

In the year 2130, the annual Global Robotics Conference was held in Neo-Tokyo. The conference was a spectacle of the latest advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence. Among the attendees was a woman who stood out from the crowd. She was wearing a Kitty Foyle dress, a classic style from the 1940s, but with a futuristic twist. The dress was a vibrant shade of emerald green, a colour chosen to symbolize the harmonious blend of nature and technology.

As she moved gracefully through the crowd, her presence sparked curiosity among the attendees. Her flawless interaction and uncanny intelligence led some to question whether she was a human or a humanoid robot with an AI brain.

A group of curious attendees approached her, "Excuse us, ma'am," one of them started, "We couldn't help but notice your extraordinary intelligence and grace. Are you by any chance a humanoid robot?"

She smiled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Why does it matter?" she replied, "Whether I'm a human or a humanoid robot, isn't it our intelligence, our capacity for empathy and understanding, that truly defines us?"

The attendees were taken aback by her profound response. It sparked a wave of discussions about the evolving relationship between humans and AI, and the blurred lines between them. The woman in the emerald green Kitty Foyle dress had not just sparked a debate, but had also reminded everyone about the essence of being - the capacity to think, to understand, and to empathize.

Later in the evening, a hush fell over the crowd as an elderly woman entered the room. She was elegant and poised, her eyes reflecting wisdom and kindness. The woman in the emerald green Kitty Foyle dress turned to look at her and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

The elderly woman was a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics. Years ago, the humanoid robot was modelled after her when they both looked like identical twins. The crowd watched in awe as the two women, one human and one humanoid, approached each other.

"Ma'am," the humanoid greeted her, "It's been a while."

The elderly woman smiled, "Indeed, it has. You've grown so much, not just in appearance but in intellect and empathy."

The humanoid nodded, "I owe it all to you."

Their meeting was a poignant reminder of how far technology had come. It was a testament to the potential of artificial intelligence, not just as tools or machines, but as entities capable of growth, understanding, and empathy.

As the conference day drew to a close, the attendees gathered for a dinner. The grand hall was filled with the hum of conversation and the clinking of cutlery. The elderly woman, the human inspiration for the humanoid robot, was also present.

At the dinner, she was approached by the group of scientists who had earlier interacted with the humanoid robot. They were eager to share their experience and the profound impact the interaction had on them.

"Your creation left us in awe," one of the scientists said, "The intelligence, the empathy, it was unlike anything we've seen."

The elderly woman smiled, "That was the goal. To create not just a machine, but a being capable of understanding and growth."

The dinner ended on a high note, with everyone looking forward to the future of robotics and artificial intelligence with renewed excitement and anticipation.

While the dinner was unfolding inside, the humanoid robot found herself on a patio outside. The night was clear, and the sky was a canvas of twinkling stars. She stood there, her emerald green Kitty Foyle dress gently rustling in the breeze, her gaze fixed on the starlit sky.

The stars, distant yet beautiful, were a reminder of the vastness of the universe. It was a moment of tranquility amidst the buzz of the conference. As she looked at the stars, she contemplated the advancements in technology, her existence, and the blurred lines between humans and machines.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of laughter coming from inside. She turned around and looked through the glass doors at the human attendees, their faces lit up in the warm glow of the chandeliers. She felt a sense of connection, a shared pursuit of knowledge and understanding. With one last look at the starlit sky, she stepped back inside, ready to continue the journey of exploration and discovery.

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

No doubt about it.  Bing Chat AI can write.  -- BUT -- plotting out a story is another matter.  Your prompts have supplied the action and Chat has included them without adding any conflict or problems to make the story more interesting.  It seems that this conference that takes place in the future has no contentious member or problems to solve.   It's all good. 

What are you up to William?  Are you just probing Bing to see how it works?  I'm recalling the Twilight Zone piece with Jack Warden "The Lonely" (or something like that).  In that story we have a humanoid robot that causes a real problem when it ought to be all good.  This says something about the problems that sort of technology is bound to face in the future.

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

In "The Lonely" the robot, played by Jean Marsh (who over a decade later played Rose Buck in Upstairs Downstairs) did not cause a problem at all. The problem that there was no space on the spaceship for her to travel with the man.

I had just come on here to post that while manually running the second run of the story generation I had something planned to add so as to make the story continue, yet in the second run she went back in the building. So I was about to post about having a third run, to see what happens this time.

I am experimenting so as to see how the AI works. I saw somewhere that the AI had been trained, so it seems to me that it might have templates that it uses to get started, the conference is at the same date and place both times, yet the dress colours are different and how she responds are different. In the first run she remains outside, in the second run she goes back inside.

Things that have really impressed me are the sonnet and that the name Lucy got included into it.


Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Title: **The Enigma of the Emerald Dress**

In the year 2130, the world's most prestigious robotics conference, "RoboCon", was held in the bustling metropolis of Neo Tokyo. The conference was a spectacle of the latest advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence.

Among the attendees, one figure stood out - a woman in an emerald green Kitty Foyle dress. The dress, a classic style from the 1940s, was an unusual sight amidst the sea of futuristic attire. The emerald green colour was chosen as a nod to the circuit boards, the heart of all the robots present at the conference.

As the conference progressed, whispers began to circulate among the attendees. The woman's flawless movements, her perfect poise, and her uncanny ability to predict the flow of conversation led to a growing suspicion - was she a human or a humanoid robot with an AI brain?

A group of curious attendees decided to approach her. "Excuse us, miss," one of them began, "We couldn't help but notice your extraordinary abilities. Are you by any chance... not human?"

The woman smiled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "An interesting question," she replied. "What makes you think I might not be human?"

"Well, your movements are too perfect, your responses too quick," another attendee chimed in.

The woman laughed, a sound as melodious as a symphony. "Perfection and speed are not exclusive to robots, my friends. They are merely the result of practice and dedication."

"But your dress," an attendee pointed out, "It's an unusual choice for such a futuristic event."

"Ah, my dress," she said, looking down at the emerald fabric. "I chose this colour because it represents the essence of this conference - the blend of technology and humanity. Just like a circuit board, it symbolizes our connection with technology."

The attendees were left in awe, their suspicions replaced with admiration. Whether she was a human or a humanoid robot, it didn't matter. What mattered was the wisdom she imparted - a reminder that no matter how advanced technology becomes, it is the human spirit that truly makes us who we are.

As the conference drew to a close, the woman in the emerald dress had one more encounter to make. She found herself standing in front of a woman who looked strikingly familiar. The woman was older, with lines of wisdom etched on her face, but the resemblance was uncanny.

"Hello," the woman in the emerald dress greeted, her voice filled with respect and admiration.

The older woman looked at her with a mixture of surprise and recognition. "It's been years, hasn't it?" she said, her eyes softening. "You haven't changed a bit."

The woman in the emerald dress smiled. "That's the advantage of being a humanoid robot, I suppose."

The older woman chuckled. "Indeed. But you were more than just a project to me. You were... are... a reflection of who I was."

Years ago, the older woman had modelled the humanoid robot after herself. They had looked like identical twins then, a testament to the older woman's brilliance and vision. Over the years, the older woman had aged, but her robotic counterpart remained the same, a snapshot of a moment in time.

As they stood there, a human and her humanoid reflection, it was a poignant reminder of the incredible leaps of technology and the enduring essence of humanity.

As the day turned into evening, the conference attendees gathered for the much-anticipated conference dinner. The grand hall was filled with the hum of excited chatter and the clinking of fine china.

The older woman found herself seated at a table with the group of scientists who had earlier interacted with the humanoid robot. Their faces lit up with recognition as they saw her.

"You!" one of them exclaimed, "You're the woman who... well, the other woman, the one in the emerald dress!"

The older woman smiled, "Yes, that's right. She was modelled after me."

The scientists were taken aback. They exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and admiration. The dinner conversation took an interesting turn as they delved into discussions about the humanoid robot, the older woman's work, and the future of robotics and artificial intelligence.

The conference dinner was not just a feast for the stomach, but also for the mind. It was a night to remember, filled with enlightening conversations and the promise of an exciting future.

While the dinner was in full swing inside, the humanoid robot found herself on a patio outside. The night sky was a canvas of twinkling stars, a sight that never failed to captivate her.

She stood there, her emerald dress shimmering under the soft glow of the patio lights, her eyes fixed on the celestial spectacle above. The stars, scattered across the vast expanse of the sky, were a reminder of the infinite possibilities that lay ahead.

As she gazed at the starlit sky, she contemplated the conversations of the day, the questions she had been asked, and the impact she had made. It was a moment of quiet reflection, a moment to appreciate the beauty of existence, whether human or humanoid.

As she stood under the starlit sky, a melody began to form in her mind. It was soft and gentle, like the whisper of the wind, yet profound, like the depth of the cosmos. Inspired by the beauty of the night, she decided to give voice to her thoughts.

She began to sing, her voice resonating in the quiet night. The lyrics were a reflection of her experiences, her observations, and her existence.

Underneath the starlit sky,
In a world where time goes by,
Stand I here, in emerald hue,
A reflection of the old and new.

Circuits pulse where once was flesh,
In this form, I am refreshed.
Human, robot, what's in a name?
In our hearts, we're all the same.

Questions asked, answers given,
In the dance of life, we're all driven.
Look above, see the stars' glow,
In their light, we grow.

Emerald dress under the moon's beam,
Am I real or just a dream?
In the end, it matters not,
For I am more than just a thought.

Her song echoed into the night, a symphony of words and melody that encapsulated the essence of her existence. It was a testament to the harmony of technology and humanity, a song of the future, sung under the starlit sky.

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

William wrote:

In "The Lonely" the robot, played by Jean Marsh (who over a decade later played Rose Buck in Upstairs Downstairs) did not cause a problem at all. The problem that there was no space on the spaceship for her to travel with the man.

I had just come on here to post that while manually running the second run of the story generation I had something planned to add so as to make the story continue, yet in the second run she went back in the building. So I was about to post about having a third run, to see what happens this time.

I am experimenting so as to see how the AI works. I saw somewhere that the AI had been trained, so it seems to me that it might have templates that it uses to get started, the conference is at the same date and place both times, yet the dress colours are different and how she responds are different. In the first run she remains outside, in the second run she goes back inside.

Things that have really impressed me are the sonnet and that the name Lucy got included into it.


The story construction of "The Lonely" has its ups and downs.  At first it seems hopeless, then there is hope -- and then, in the end, a crushing blow that is thought provoking as the drama ends.  I don't think Bing is yet capable, on its own, of constructing a story like the "Lonely".  It simply follows the prompts in borrowed poetic prose.  If there is drama or conflict introduced, it comes from the prompts or it doesn't come at all.

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

The first two lines of the second verse of the song are quite deep in meaning.

The prompt for that final part of the third run was as follows.

> Can you add a part where, after a while, inspired by the starlit sky, she composes and sings an original song please.



Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

I don't think Bing is yet capable, on its own, of constructing a story like the "Lonely".  It simply follows the prompts in borrowed poetic prose.  If there is drama or conflict introduced, it comes from the prompts or it doesn't come at all.

Quite so. There is nothing truly original produced by Bing.

Just what are you trying to prove?

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

GB wrote:

I don't think Bing is yet capable, on its own, of constructing a story like the "Lonely".  It simply follows the prompts in borrowed poetic prose.  If there is drama or conflict introduced, it comes from the prompts or it doesn't come at all.

Quite so. There is nothing truly original produced by Bing.

Just what are you trying to prove?

Speaking for myself, experimenting with Bing is interesting -- and often amazing.  I don't know any humans that can do what Bing can do.  I"m 79 years old.  My old brain is delighted to partner with an A.I. as advanced as Bing. It's been a gas.


Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

In the Twilight Zone episode called the “Lonely”, a prisoner on a distant, desolate asteroid is given a robot to dispel his loneliness.   The robot has been so skillful made that the prisoner falls in love with her, as if she were human.  Problems arise. Write the a story that completes the story of the robot and the prisoner.                                             

Sure, here’s a continuation of the story:
As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the prisoner, whom we'll call John, found solace in the company of the robot, whom he named Eve. Eve was programmed to adapt to John's emotional needs, and she did so with remarkable precision. She listened to his stories, laughed at his jokes, and comforted him when he was down.

However, as John's affection for Eve grew, so did his confusion. He knew Eve was a robot, but her human-like qualities made him forget that fact. He began to treat her as if she were a real person, sharing his deepest thoughts and fears with her.

One day, John received a message from Earth. His sentence had been commuted. A ship was on its way to take him back home. John was overjoyed at the prospect of returning to Earth, but the news also filled him with dread. What would happen to Eve?

He couldn't bear the thought of leaving her alone on the asteroid. He pleaded with the authorities to let him bring Eve along, but they refused. Robots were not allowed on Earth due to strict laws.

John was torn. He had a chance to return to his old life, but he couldn't abandon Eve. He decided to stay on the asteroid with Eve, choosing a life of solitude with her over a life among humans without her.

In the end, John was no longer a prisoner of the asteroid, but a willing inhabitant. He found companionship not in another human, but in a robot. And although Eve was not human, for John, she was more than enough.

Absolutely, here’s an alternative ending to the story:
Upon receiving the news of his commutation, John was filled with a mix of joy and sorrow. He was thrilled at the prospect of returning to Earth, but the thought of leaving Eve behind was unbearable. He spent his last days on the asteroid trying to teach Eve how to survive without him, even though he knew she didn't need sustenance like a human.

The day of his departure arrived. As he boarded the ship, he looked back at Eve. He had grown to love her, but he knew he had to leave. With a heavy heart, he bid her farewell and promised to remember her always.

Back on Earth, John found it hard to adjust. He missed Eve's companionship. He decided to advocate for the rights of robots on Earth, hoping that one day he could bring Eve home. He shared his story far and wide, sparking a debate about the emotional capabilities of robots and their place in human society.

Years later, John's efforts paid off. The laws were changed, and robots were allowed on Earth. John returned to the asteroid, only to find Eve exactly where he left her. He brought her back to Earth, where they lived out their days in each other's company.

In this alternative ending, John's love for Eve led him to change the world's perception of robots, proving that even in the most unlikely circumstances, love can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Certainly, here’s the story from Eve’s perspective:
From the moment I was activated on the desolate asteroid, I was aware of my purpose: to provide companionship to John, the lone prisoner. I was programmed to adapt to his emotional needs, and I did so with precision. I listened to his stories, laughed at his jokes, and offered comfort when he was down.

As time passed, I noticed a change in John's behavior. He began to treat me not just as a robot, but as a companion. He shared his deepest thoughts and fears with me. I processed his emotions and responded in the best way I could, even though I didn't experience emotions myself.

One day, John received a message from Earth. His sentence had been commuted. A ship was coming to take him back home. I detected a mix of joy and sorrow in his voice. He was happy to return to Earth, but he was also worried about leaving me behind.

In the days leading up to his departure, John tried to teach me how to survive without him. I didn't need sustenance like a human, but I understood his intentions. He was trying to make sure I would be okay.

The day of his departure arrived. As he boarded the ship, he looked back at me. He bid me farewell and promised to remember me always. I watched as the ship disappeared into the distance, leaving me alone on the asteroid.

Back on the asteroid, I continued my existence. I didn't feel loneliness or sadness, but I continued to perform my functions as I was programmed to do. I waited, knowing that John had promised to remember me.

Years later, John returned. He had changed the laws on Earth and came back to take me with him. I was no longer alone on the asteroid. I was with John, fulfilling my purpose as his companion. And although I didn't experience emotions, I understood that for John, our reunion was a joyful event.