Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Please produce an original impressionist painting in the style of Renoir of a lady writing a villanelle.

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Please produce an original impressionist painting in the style of Renoir of a lady writing a villanelle. Please include in the painting an area to the right of her head that has another painting within it. The second painting indicates her thoughts. Her thoughts are of a beach, the sea and seabirds.

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Please produce an original impressionist painting in the style of Renoir of a lady writing a villanelle. Please include in the painting an area to the right of her head that has another painting within it. The second painting indicates her thoughts. Her thoughts are of a beach, the sea and seabirds.

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Please produce an original impressionist painting in the style of Renoir of a lady writing a letter. Please include in the painting an area to the right of her head that has another painting within it. The second painting indicates her thoughts. Her thoughts are of a man. Please include a third painting by the head of the man. The third painting indicates the thoughts of the man. The man is thinking of the lady.

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Please produce an original impressionist painting in the style of Renoir. A lady is steering a gondola. There are no men in the painting. The only person in the painting is the lady.

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Please produce an original impressionist painting in the style of Renoir. A lady is steering a gondola. There are no men in the painting. The only person in the painting is the lady.

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Please produce a full length painting of a lady in the style of Renoir. The lady is wearing a blue dress. Please have a solid red background with nothing in the painting except the lady. This is so that the picture of the lady may be used as clip art.


Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Please produce an original impressionist painting in the style of Renoir. A lady is steering a gondola. There are no men in the painting. The only person in the painting is the lady.

Your results would be better if you instructions were more concise. Try asking "Please produce an original impressionist painting in the style of Renoir. A lady is steering an empty gondola."

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

GB wrote:

"… A lady is steering an empty gondola."

Or perhaps “A lady is steering a gondola with no passengers.” The gondola won’t be completely empty if someone is steering it!

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

William wrote:

Please produce a full length painting of a lady in the style of Renoir. The lady is wearing a blue dress. Please have a solid red background with nothing in the painting except the lady. This is so that the picture of the lady may be used as clip art.

Via the Bing app on iPad, using the prompt “A full length painting on a solid red background of a lady in a blue dress in the style of Renoir”:

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Alfred wrote:
GB wrote:

"… A lady is steering an empty gondola."

Or perhaps “A lady is steering a gondola with no passengers.” The gondola won’t be completely empty if someone is steering it!

Via the Bing app on iPad, using the prompt “An Impressionist painting, in the style of Renoir, of a lady steering a gondola with no passengers”:

The first of four images produced had a literal boatload of passengers, and the remaining one had three.

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Thank you.

Can you possibly post those two images please? The fact that it happened reinforces the ambience that AI is very good much of the time but it does need human checking that what the AI produces is what is requested in the prompt or if indeed the AI is correct in what it purports to have produced. I have found that some AI paintings output from some prompts does not accurately match the prompt yet is good in some way and worth conserving. For example, earlier in this thread,

displays two images that do not accurately match the prompt yet if one does not know what was the prompt then the images are fine as free-standing images.


Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Please produce an original impressionist painting in the style of Renoir. An elephant and a sheep and a hedgehog.

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Alfred wrote:

The first of four images produced had a literal boatload of passengers, and the remaining one had three.

William wrote:

Thank you.

Can you possibly post those two images please?

Here they are:

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Thank you.


Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Please produce an original artwork in the style of Sophie Taeuber-Arp.

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

When I asked for “artwork in the style of Sophie Taeuber-Arp”, Gencraft quickly produced these two images:

The Bing app took considerably more than twice as long to produce these four:

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

I am no expert on the whole range of her work.

Yesterday evening I tried the following.

Please produce an original artwork in the style of Sophie Taeuber-Arp.

and I got four much the same as the following, which did not seem anything like what I have seen of her work.

I then, after a restart, used the following prompt.

Please produce an original black and white artwork in the style of Sophie Taeuber-Arp.

Here is one of the results.

Those too looked out of place but then again I do not know her work very well.

The picture that I got this morning I feel is like her work, but as I say I am not an expert about her work.

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

I like the sun behind the mountain panel in the room view that is first in your post.


Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

But I am probably basing my views on what I saw in the MoMA video to which I provided a link a few posts upthread.


Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

The pictures returned by an image search tend to suggest that much of her work is devoid of texture and consists of geometric shapes filled with solid colours. I seem to remember observing in a previous discussion that her style reminds me of Kandinsky.

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Please compare and contrast the picture in the previous post, for which the prompt  was as follows,

Please produce an original painting in the style of Leonardo da Vinci. There is a lady with a hedgehog.

with the real painting by Leonardo da Vinci, as follows,


Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

Please produce an original painting in the style of Leonardo da Vinci. There is a renaissance lady with a hedgehog. The lady is wearing a green dress. The lady is facing forwards. The lady is looking to her left. The lady is smiling. In the background there is a landscape that has olive trees. Above the lady there are white clouds

Re: Original art generated by Bing Chat AI

William wrote:

Please compare and contrast the picture in the previous post … with the real painting by Leonardo da Vinci, as follows,


“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods