Topic: MOVIE PLUS X6- timeline play out of sync

Hey all. I just found you and I am so glad to be reconnected with my serif family.
I have a minor mystery i need help with. I made 4 video/audio tracks so I could cut up a long file into smaller ones. and put them on separate tracks.
As I clipped the long file and moved the clipped piece to another track, I play them to make sure they are okay. all goes well for a while but around the third clip, after I place it on a new track, after I go back to the original long file on the timeline and play it. It will not start at the beginning, it jumps to like the 35 minute point and will start playing that point forward. It will not let me play the beginning of the file.

Another time this happened, it played from the beginning but the audio was the sound from the 35 minute point not the beginning.

I just need to understand why this happens and how I can prevent it or correct it.

Re: MOVIE PLUS X6- timeline play out of sync

What type of file is your "long file" and what type of audio stream does it contain e.g ac3, aac?

Re: MOVIE PLUS X6- timeline play out of sync

You can split up a long track automatically, rather than doing it manually.

If memory serves, drag down the track to the timeline, highlight the track and then open up the 'trim' window on the context toolbar. Select 'Scene Detection' and wait. You will get a progress bar on the trim window while the program splits up the individual scenes and puts the thumbnails onto the media pane.

Hope this helps.

Re: MOVIE PLUS X6- timeline play out of sync

Rather than trimming, have you tried simply cutting the long file and dragging the pieces onto separate tracks? Also make sure you create an audio track for each new video track, because if you only move the video component of your original long clip it might remain "linked" to its audio component which is still up top on the original track. It's dodgy to unlink video and audio components and then move because you'll likely fail to keep them lined up. (There actually is a way to keep them lined up without moving the audio too: place cursor at cut point, cut video and audio, unlink, move video track down to new track and snap against the unmoved cursor.) One of the main things to learn with Movieplus is always be alert to the status of the link and ripple buttons (far left above timeline). Don't do anything until you've checked they are both where you need them. It's a lesson I learned the hard way but now I always glance at those 2 buttons before I do anything. Linking is everything in a complex project - multiple select audio/video clips, right click, link or unlink. For instance, if you add a caption, text clip or title to a project, always take the trouble to right click/link it to the video clip it goes with, so that it will move with that clip when you insert and ripple.

Re: MOVIE PLUS X6- timeline play out of sync

Although I haven't suffered from any other major problems with X6 there is one thing that I would recommend to anyone using Movieplus, and that is to often click it off to copy the video that you are making, especially if it is long with lot's of video and audio tracks/transitions/effects etc. This is really important when you are ready to finally export it ! as I don't think that I am the only one for the program to suddenly stop working. I know that you can recover some of it it but not the last things that you have done.