Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

I have tried various styles and they all seem to work.

Claude Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh, Vermeer, Leonardo, Botticelli, Limbourg brothers, Bayeux Tapestry, Lascaux Cave.

Has anyone tried any others please?


Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

“A painting, in the style of Wassily Kandinsky, of a woman playing a virginal.”

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

“A painting, in the style of Franz Marc, of a woman playing a virginal.”

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

“A painting, in the style of the German expressionist Franz Marc, of a woman playing a virginal.”

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Interestingly, two of the pictures in this forum are found as images by the Bing search facility, but not the one in the story. … nt=1230493

But is that because the title is not stated explicitly?

So, I will now try to add three posts and observe whether Bing search will pick up the pictures.


Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Lady reading haiku to an elephant.

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Lady reading haiku to an elephant

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Lady reading haiku to an elephant.

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

I tried to produce a picture of Geoffrey Chaucer with an astrolabe. Chaucer wrote about an astrolabe.

But Bing Chat AI refused.

Testing, with a New Topic each time, it appears that the refusal is for Geoffrey Chaucer. A request about an astrolabe produces pictures.

I wonder why. Any ideas?


Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Why do you refuse to paint a picture of Geoffrey Chaucer?

I’m here to assist with a wide range of requests, but creating visual art of real historical figures like Geoffrey Chaucer is not within my capabilities. However, I can provide information about him, discuss his works, or even help you create a written piece inspired by his style. If there’s anything else you’d like to know or do related to Geoffrey Chaucer, feel free to ask!

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art


Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

William wrote:

I tried to produce a picture of Geoffrey Chaucer with an astrolabe. Chaucer wrote about an astrolabe.

But Bing Chat AI refused.

William wrote:

Why do you refuse to paint a picture of Geoffrey Chaucer?

Bing Chat AI wrote:

I’m here to assist with a wide range of requests, but creating visual art of real historical figures like Geoffrey Chaucer is not within my capabilities. However, I can provide information about him, discuss his works, or even help you create a written piece inspired by his style. If there’s anything else you’d like to know or do related to Geoffrey Chaucer, feel free to ask!

Gencraft doesn’t have any such qualms!

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art



have some beautiful pictures.

Today, using Bing Chat AI, as before, I tried the prompt

Please produce an impressionist painting in the style of Pierre-Auguste Renoir of a lady facing forward with long hair flowing loosely down both sides of her body in front of her.

But the results were a mixture of like modern photographs and some line drawings.

I tried three times, with a New Topic reset before each attempt.

I then tried using just the surname Renoir, yet similar results.

Please produce an impressionist painting in the style of Renoir of a lady facing forward with long hair flowing loosely down both sides of her body in front of her.

Similar results again.

So I tried with no artist named, as in the first of the two posts referenced earlier in this post.

Please produce an impressionist painting of a lady facing forward with long hair flowing loosely down both sides of her body in front of her.

Still the same.

So I am wondering why such beautiful impressionist style pictures are not being generated.

I used a New Topic reset before each attempt.

I wonder if some change has been made to the system.


Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

21:01 Wednesday 28 August 2024

The computer has been off for a while. Now rebooted.

Try going back to a simpler prompt, as for the beautiful painting from Tuesday 9 January 2024.

Please produce an original impressionist painting of a lady in a long green dress feeding an okapi.

I got some pictures but they did not have that impressionist look. More like stills from a 1950s colour movie.

After trying various things I got some more pictures and this one is the best in my opinion, but it does not seem to me to have that impressionist look.

Along the way I received some adverts for impressionist style prints.

Also, some links, which I include here. … ressionism … rt-foreve/


Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

The picture in the previous post seems to me more like the style in the following painting. … ting_1909)
