1 (edited by Wolstan Dixie 2024-10-01 05:25:38)

Topic: PDF's

Can I insert or embed a PDF on a page? I have photos in PDF format.

Re: PDF's

You could use a Document Frame.

Insert > Document Frame > Contents > File and browse for your pdf. Check the 'embed file' box and you may also need to check the '... convert to a web compatible image' box.


I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.

Re: PDF's

Thanks - that works, sort of.

Unfortunately the document frame doesn't fill with the document, it just stays as when you are placing it, a box with the file name in, so it is difficult to size it correctly so the Windows? PDF reader fits; it looks disconcerting, and you can't remember what it is displaying. 'Refresh preview' button bottom right doesn't do anything. I guess I am going to have to convert them all to JPG's.


Re: PDF's

Wolstan Dixie wrote:

Thanks - that works, sort of.

Unfortunately the document frame doesn't fill with the document, it just stays as when you are placing it, a box with the file name in, so it is difficult to size it correctly so the Windows? PDF reader fits; it looks disconcerting, and you can't remember what it is displaying. 'Refresh preview' button bottom right doesn't do anything. I guess I am going to have to convert them all to JPG's.


What are the dimensions of pdf? Is it smaller than the size of the iframe or have you not expanded the iframe to the size of the pdf?


I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.

Re: PDF's

So I have a whole multi-page illustrated publication as a PDF, it is a really big file.

I call it using a hyperlink to the file, which for usual PDF's works fine - they open in some default (Windows?) PDF Reader.

So I set up this one like this, and Previewed in Chrome, and the Reader screen opened, a green 'loading' bar went from left to right at the top, and then the document displayed perfectly.

But when I Published the page and clicked on the hyperlink in Chrome the Reader window came up, the green bar flashed, and a pop up window appeared saying the file couldn't be read.

So it worked in the preview but not in the published page.

The same in Firefox and Edge (though the graphics varied).

And I tried putting it in a Document Frame - just the same.

Do you think there is a file size limitation somewhere? (I don't want to split the publication up if I can help it)

Re: PDF's

You already have a pdf thread which is unresolved, and you did not answer the the last question put to you. Help works best when there is a two way dialogue. Also, why have you not provided a link to the website?

Hopefully Alfred will move this thread over to the original.

I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.

Re: PDF's

Joe wrote:

You already have a pdf thread which is unresolved, and you did not answer the the last question put to you. Help works best when there is a two way dialogue. Also, why have you not provided a link to the website?

Hopefully Alfred will move this thread over to the original.

Thanks, Joe! Threads merged.

"I am ignorant of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance, and therein lies my honour and my reward.”
— Kahlil Gibran

8 (edited by Wolstan Dixie 2024-12-09 15:12:42)

Re: PDF's

Apologies - I thought 'I guess I shall have to convert them all to JPG's' implied resolved.

This is the page in question - but as you don't have the local file I can't see it is much help?


Re: PDF's

Wolstan Dixie wrote:

Apologies - I thought 'I guess I shall have to convert them all to JPG's' implied resolved.

This is the page in question - but as you don't have the local file I can't see it is much help?


Clicking on Census Atlas in firefox gives me a damaged file error which is not repairable. See attached image.
Can you open the standalone version of the file in adobe? Check that you can view every page.

Another point. Your file name for the pdf and therefore the link to it, starts with a capital letter and contains spaces. the website html looks like this:


Which is not good practice. URL's can't contain spaces so they are replaced with %20. Use smallcase and rather than spaces insert _ or - so in effect, you have a continuous word.

Post's attachments

error.JPG 14.79 kb, 1 downloads since 2024-12-09 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.

10 (edited by Wolstan Dixie 2024-12-09 23:57:39)

Re: PDF's

Thanks - I appreciate it.

Well I of course know not to use capitals and spaces in PagePlus page filenames, but the 'add hyperlink - file - browse your hard disk' procedure invites you to choose a Windows file which can have  them with no warning - are you saying this is a fatal error or just frowned on?

The file opens correctly in my Adobe Acrobat Reader (which is quite old) - I don't have the full version of Acrobat.
How do you explain that the file opens correctly from the PagePlus browser preview of the page?


Re: PDF's

Wolstan Dixie wrote:

Thanks - I appreciate it.

Well I of course know not to use capitals and spaces in PagePlus page filenames, but the 'add hyperlink - file - browse your hard disk' procedure invites you to choose a Windows file which can have  them with no warning - are you saying this is a fatal error or just frowned on?

The file opens correctly in my Adobe Acrobat Reader (which is quite old) - I don't have the full version of Acrobat.
How do you explain that the file opens correctly from the PagePlus browser preview of the page?

It's not a fatal error, it's just not good practice. If you fix it, it removes a possible error.

Can you attach a copy of the pdf file to your next post and then I and possibly others can have a look and see if we can determine the issue?

I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.

12 (edited by Wolstan Dixie 2024-12-10 10:21:37)

Re: PDF's

Sorry - I may be being stupid, but I don't see an option to attach a file - only 'Add an image'

Re: PDF's

No, you aren’t being stupid! It isn’t immediately obvious that for file attachments you need to use the Post reply link instead of the ‘Quick reply’ option.

"I am ignorant of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance, and therein lies my honour and my reward.”
— Kahlil Gibran

Re: PDF's

Yes - I did wonder why it was a 'Quick' reply.


Ah, problem "Warning! The following errors must be corrected before your message can be posted:
The selected file was too large to upload. The server didn't allow the upload." It's 28.6 KB

Re: PDF's

28.6 KB is tiny! I don’t know what trigged that error message, but if you’d like to email the file to me I’d be happy to take a look.

"I am ignorant of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance, and therein lies my honour and my reward.”
— Kahlil Gibran

Re: PDF's

Typo - 28.6MB A bit different! I have uploaded it to MEGA from which you can download it

https://mega.nz/file/1zY11RJK#l7YDZUyzf … lK7YtckAjg

Many thanks

Re: PDF's

So - for the avoidance of doubt (as M'learned Friends say), this problem was left unresolved, but not by me!

18 (edited by Joe 2025-01-16 11:58:01)

Re: PDF's

Try this. Paste the following into Body in an HTML Fragment. and set it to the sizes you enter in the code below

<object class="pdf" 
            data= "atlas01.pdf"

Make sure data= has the same name as your pdf file which you can load via Tools > Site Manager > File Manager > Add file.

I've tried it with Edge, Opera, Firefox and DuckduckGo and it works OK. I won't use Chrome so you will need to test it in that. Chrome prefers to use it's own viewer but see how it goes. The  type="application/pdf" in the code may help.

I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.

Re: PDF's

Joe wrote:

I won't use Chrome

I’m sure you and I aren’t the only ones, Joe! Do you feel the same way about Chromium browsers generally, or is it specifically to do with Chrome’s nasty habit of ‘phoning home’ at every opportunity?

"I am ignorant of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance, and therein lies my honour and my reward.”
— Kahlil Gibran


Re: PDF's

Alfred wrote:
Joe wrote:

I won't use Chrome

I’m sure you and I aren’t the only ones, Joe! Do you feel the same way about Chromium browsers generally, or is it specifically to do with Chrome’s nasty habit of ‘phoning home’ at every opportunity?

Hi Alfred, I just don't like google as a company who spy on everything you do, sell data and plague you with ads.

When you say chromium browsers generally, are there others besides google?

I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.

Re: PDF's

Joe wrote:

I just don't like google as a company who spy on everything you do, sell data and plague you with ads.

Me too neither! Whatever happened to “Don’t be evil”? Jon von Tetzchner (the co-founder and CEO of Vivaldi who also co-founded Opera) agrees with us.

My friends at Google: it is time to return to not being evil

Joe wrote:

When you say chromium browsers generally, are there others besides google?

Yes, there are. Chromium is free and open source, and its web page rendering code is also used by many other browsers (the main ones being Microsoft Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, and Brave).

"I am ignorant of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance, and therein lies my honour and my reward.”
— Kahlil Gibran


Re: PDF's

Yes, there are. Chromium is free and open source, and its web page rendering code is also used by many other browsers (the main ones being Microsoft Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, and Brave).

Thanks Alfred I'll try it.

I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.