1 (edited by Ali 2024-12-22 11:44:57)

Topic: [SOLVED] Using WPX8 Slider with WYSIWYG Web Builder

Hi, all!

Some of you may remember me from the old Serif forums as an avid user of WebPlus. Well, I have finally reached the end of the road with it, sadly, and am moving over to WYSIWYG Web Builder.

I was wondering if anyone had had any success using a slider generated in WebPlus in a WWB site? I can access all of the code from the HTML on my old website and I have all of the components needs (.js files), but I don't know if or how I can incorporate them into my new (responsive) site.

I am going to ask the same question on the WWB forum.

Happy Christmas!

2 (edited by Joe 2024-12-21 14:36:00)

Re: [SOLVED] Using WPX8 Slider with WYSIWYG Web Builder

Hi Ali,

Nice to hear from you again.

I wouldn't bother trying to copy the code and integrate it into WYSIWYG web buidler. The program has lots of sliders which can be easily incorporated. They have a version of many of the common sliders, and there are others that you can download. All you need is your text and images.

Merry Christmas,


I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.

Re: [SOLVED] Using WPX8 Slider with WYSIWYG Web Builder

Thanks, Joe.

I haven't had a proper look yet, but I want something that:

(a) Allows a mix of orientation of file whilst maintaining aspect ratio;
(b) Does not have to open up as a lightbox.

I want something that will start automatically as a slideshow on the page but without having to have thumbnails. So far I haven't found anything that does quite what I want.

Re: [SOLVED] Using WPX8 Slider with WYSIWYG Web Builder

My gosh it's Ali and she hasn't changed at all smile

Re: [SOLVED] Using WPX8 Slider with WYSIWYG Web Builder

Nothing that I know of as standard in WYSIWYG will do it. In that case if you have the code and files you can copy them and input into WYSIWYG. You can enter css and javascript by using insert > html. you can add external files via Site Manager.

Also enquire within the WYSIWYG WB forum


I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.

6 (edited by Ali 2024-12-22 11:42:28)

Re: [SOLVED] Using WPX8 Slider with WYSIWYG Web Builder

Thanks, Joe. I did find what I wanted late yesterday amongst Pablo's extensions for WWB - it's called bxSlider.

Eric - my new avatar is too big - I need to tweak it!!! Now done.

Re: [SOLVED] Using WPX8 Slider with WYSIWYG Web Builder

Ali wrote:

Thanks, Joe. I did find what I wanted late yesterday amongst Pablo's extensions for WWB - it's called bxSlider.

Excellent news!

Ali wrote:

Eric - my new avatar is too big - I need to tweak it!!! Now done.

For anyone who hasn’t seen — or doesn’t remember — the old avatar drawn by Ken (‘Major Confusion’) Cope, it looks like this:


"Has it ever struck you that life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quick you hardly catch it going?"
― Tennessee Williams

Re: [SOLVED] Using WPX8 Slider with WYSIWYG Web Builder

It was drawn from a photo taken of me at a New Year's Eve party in 2008. I'm now 60 - the new avatar was taken at Chatsworth House in September 0f 2023. Time marches on!

