Topic: The remote folder Public_html does not exist error

Hi: I am using Web plus X8

I am trying to upload my site to godaddy and I am getting the "remote folder Public_html does not exist. (see attachments for screen shots)
The folder is in cPanel file manager. And when I click "create Directory" I get an error "there was an error opening remote file blogs.html for writing. (open request failed).

Not sure what to do.

Re: The remote folder Public_html does not exist error

Danzil wrote:

I am trying to upload my site to godaddy and I am getting the "remote folder Public_html does not exist. (see attachments for screen shots)

You previously wrote about problems with uploading to Directnic. Have you switched to GoDaddy for your web hosting, or are you using both?

Unlike Windows, file names in Linux are case sensitive. The usual folder name for files that are intended to be viewable on the Internet is public_html with a lowercase P.

You haven’t attached any screenshots.

"I am ignorant of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance, and therein lies my honour and my reward.”
— Kahlil Gibran

Re: The remote folder Public_html does not exist error

Yes Alfred, I am working with both hosting companies. But you are so correct. I did fail to use the lowercase p and that may actualy be the problem. I will change it and see. And will let you know if that works.Thank you so much.
Ps. I did try to include attachments for they did not take. I must have done something wrong here too.LOL

Re: The remote folder Public_html does not exist error

That was it Alfred. I changed the P to p and it worked.
But now I am getting another error it says:
"there was an error opening remote file blogs.html for writing. (OpenRequest failed) Check your FTP information and try again.
If the problem persists contact your Host for advice."

I tried to include an attachment of the screenshot but I am getting an error here too.
"Warning: The following error must be corrected before your message can be posted"
was found without a matching "
I'm not sure what that means.

Re: The remote folder Public_html does not exist error

I tried to include an attachment of the screenshot but I am getting an error here too.
"Warning: The following error must be corrected before your message can be posted"

url was found without a matching /url
I'm not sure what that means.

Re: The remote folder Public_html does not exist error

When you click on the ‘Add image to post’ link below the message composition box, you get something of the form


If your subsequent editing messes up the last part of that, you get the error message that you quoted:

{url} was found without a matching {/url}

(Needless to say, I used curly braces in my examples above so that they wouldn’t be interpreted as markup. In actual use you would have square brackets.)

"I am ignorant of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance, and therein lies my honour and my reward.”
— Kahlil Gibran

Re: The remote folder Public_html does not exist error

Danzil wrote:

"… If the problem persists contact your Host for advice."

Can you see the file ‘blogs.html’ when you use the File Manager in cPanel? Have you been unable to get any helpful advice from your hosting company?

"I am ignorant of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance, and therein lies my honour and my reward.”
— Kahlil Gibran