Topic: Craft Artist 2 Professional

I have been using this program for years.

Now all I am getting is the sign that it is searching for something but it doesnt resolve.

The other thing that might be relevant is that exactly the same thing happens on my laptop which has this program installed but has no connection with the desktop that I normally use.

I am wondering if a recent Windows update is the problem. I have run the compatibility fix to no avail.

Is there anything else I can do?

I should be so grateful for any help. I have come to rely very heavily on this piece of software for card making ...not to mention the 100s of templates I have bought but cannot now use!

Re: Craft Artist 2 Professional

Welcome to my merry little band, Lainey! Please take a look here.

"I am ignorant of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance, and therein lies my honour and my reward.”
— Kahlil Gibran

Re: Craft Artist 2 Professional

Thank you for that. It looks very promising