I'm rather hacked off because our home weather station anemometer stopped working a few days ago, after only having been working again for a couple of months since the last time it stopped working. It requires a reset, which is fine if you don't mind shinning up a ladder to get the whole shebang down from something like 30 foot up. Which neither OH or I can do.
The lovely chap who has re-done our bathroom helped us get it reset just before Christmas, after 5 months of no windspeed readings. When OH got back to the people he bought it from they told him it needs resetting again, just as before. Obviously, the last few days have made it too risky to be shinning up ladders so Glyn will sort it for us when things calm down again.
OH is too nice. If it was me, I'd be demanding a new weather station as it is not fit for purpose if you have to keep resetting the anemometer every couple of months. If it goes again, I think he will finally kick up a stink.
In the meantime, when I'd really like to know what the windspeed is, I'm left with nothing.
It hasn't been too bad here in the Midlands so far. Only now does the wind seem to be really picking up. OH and his bee-keeping friend Chris are hoping that their hives in the various out-apiaries come through unscathed. Chris said she'll be taking her binoculars when they go to have a look tomorrow as one of the sites is a bit muddy at the best of times. When they went a few days ago, the farmer offered to take them over in his 4WD, and even that managed to get bogged down, so it may just be a quick look from a distance, and hope all is well.
Still, one thing amuses us. My late Mother-in-Law was called Eunice. We wonder what she would have thought about having a storm bearing her name, and it being likely to be the worst one in 32 years.
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice."
Terry Pratchett, Sourcery