Topic: Generate your own hydro power
For a few weeks I've been looking at all sorts of schemes to generate around 5kw of electricty. Along one boundry I have a stream 3m wide flowing at between 2-4 m/s. These are old numbers from the EA who used to have instrumentation on our property. I found some undershot waterwheel calcs online and these indicate about 0.6kw based on a 1200mm dia wheel with a blade size of 530 wide x 225 high. The calc assumes one blade fully in the water at any one time.
I've come up with a new design of waterwheel where I can have say 7 or more blades in the water in a linear style, using the same sized wheel. Does this mean that I can generate 7 x 0.6kw= 4,2kw or am I completely wrong?
Any help with this would be much appreciated.