(4 replies, posted in PagePlus)

I have been trying to download a book from internet archives to print as several separate documents ,signatures. It doesn't upload properly into X9 but I managed to get it into word but word cant do what pageplus is able to do. I gather I have to change the DJUV file to PDf first. Any advise would be appreciated as I havn`t a clue Thanks.


(4 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Thanks GB. yes I think that's it. I have been dragging it straight into the frame. I can drag it onto the page and then  into the text frame and its OK.


(4 replies, posted in PagePlus)

It is also happening with pictures when brought into a text frame  The images come in anchored and  cant be moved out of the frame without selecting " detach from text " even though there is no text in the frame. playing around with the snapping and sticky guide makes no difference. I`m just wondering if this is normal behaviour for the program ?

great Thanks Alfred. I`ll put that on in my little " how to fix it " page plus  note book.


(4 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Each time I load in a saved coloured text frame, that I keep in assets, my design, it is automatically anchored and I have to unanchor it to move it . How do I stop this happening . Thanks in advance

When Im typing in a text frame and correcting a spelling the letters disappear. I believe its called overtype mode. How do I turn this off please. Thanks in advance


(4 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Thankyou so much Alfred . I see the object defaults works for lots of things. Thankyou for hanging in here and helping us all.


(4 replies, posted in PagePlus)

I`ve forgotten how to change the default margins so each new publication will open with the new margins . Cant find it in the user guide. Any help would be appreciated .


(2 replies, posted in PagePlus)

How odd. I gave up and closed PP X9. I made a similar booklet in PagePlus X5 that i have still installed on my computer and the page numbering worked perfectly. I then closed PPX5, reopened PPX9 and its numbering perfectly ! I`ve only been at this since 11 AM this morning



(2 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Hi, I`m needing some help with page numbering.

I have made a booklet finished size A7 (printed on A6 paper and folded) I have up to now been manually inserting the page number in a text box at the bottom of the pages but I would like to know how to do this automatically as I sometimes add or delete pages in my booklets.

When I tried to do this as in the user guide I only manage to get {n} on all the pages and the master page . How do I change this to the required numbers? Thanks

Thank you so much, your right, I don't need two separate tables and I have only just discovered that I change the width of the cells.  Brilliant , another learning curve and that will be a lot easier from now on.

It also solves the problem I had with the different cell heights as I had to insert an asterisk into empty cells in the first table  to keep them aligned with the second table which I then had to drag down to align with the first table. Now If I leave an empty line the rest of the table is still aligned . Thanks again.

I am using the table tool to make two seperate lists of cells with coloured outlines and placed  side by side, to record flower seed germination. The first table has a single wide cell across with 27 rows down for the flower names which I will type in.  The second one has 4 small cells across and 27 rows down to record the number of seedlings as they germinate and are pricked out and I will record this later by hand .
      The problem I have is that when I type in the flower name the size of the cell grows bigger and is no longer aligned with the second table tool. I have tried changing the font and size up and down but the cell size changed with it and I have not able to find anything that will align with the blank second table tool. Any ideas ? Thanks in advance for any help.


(0 replies, posted in PagePlus)

All my Serif icon have gone on my PC and now they all show the same blue pictures icon . Any ideas how to get them back ? No other program icons are affected. its the last on on the left.
