(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thanks Albert.   I'm reasonably certain from my research for my narration that Monarchs don't appear in Europe.  Only in North America, Australia and NZ.

No chance of the Monarch butterflies eating our vegetable gardens.  They only eat the Swan Plant which is poisonous to us.


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Mighty Monarchs https://vimeo.com/795458911

Close up video is always a challenge.


(7 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thanks Freddy.  It's a codec problem.

I downloaded your file and it opens in my MVPX6 with the green/pink image.  That says to me that MVP thinks it can open it but its codecs cannot decode it.  Maybe I don't have the necessary codec unlocked or MVP never had the required codec.  After all MVP is now an old programme and you have a much newer camera.

IMPORTANT, SERIF SHUT DOWN THEIR UNLOCK SERVER A FEW YEARS AGO SO IF YOU HAVEN'T BACKED UP YOUR UNLOCK CODES YOU URGENTLY NEED TO DO SO.  Go to Tools/Options/Advanced and Manage Unlock Codes.  Then the Export option.  Save the file somewhere safe as you will need it if you reinstall MVP such as on a new PC.

Back to your problem.  You have three options:

1 - Download a codec pack such as KLite to see if that helps. https://codecguide.com/download_kl.htm.  TP codec packs are not usually recommended but you have not much choice.

2 - Ditch MVP and move onto a newer consumer editor.  A new learning curve and you may need a more higher spec pc.

3 - Convert your files into a format MVP can handle.  I've converted your file with Handbrake and you can download it here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-UnkCe … sp=sharing.  It works okay in my MVPX6 but may not in yours as it depends on what codecs you have unlocked.  Try it in yours.


(39 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

That took a lot of work.  Do I detect an Aussie accent?


(7 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Freddy - Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing please.  This should help us understand your problem better.

Better still can you upload a sample camera file to a cloud service like Google Drive so we can download and try.


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Yes I'm still alive and currently working on a frustrating video.

But we are in the middle of the heaviest rain period in Auckland's recorded history.  Friday was horrendous and more coming.

stevieg wrote:

In the end I had an I5 chip with integrated Graphics.  I have successfully been using MoviePlus X5 with no problems.

From memory MVP never used any GPU, just CPU, so you shouldn't have problems.  Unlike many video editors where GPUs cause issues.  But then without GPU MVP wasn't able to delve into complicated FX or render fast.

The PM is on this forum.

To quote from the top of the forum page:

"Private messages: There is no pop-up alert for new PMs on these forums, so you need to look out for the PM link (near the top right-hand corner of the page) becoming bold."

Chad and Alfred - I'll PM you both with a link to Google Drive from where you can download "MVPX5.zip".  The file will be there for 10 days.  It's 1,458,633 KB.

Chad - download to your pc and unzip the file.  The resulting folder has two subfolders.  "Disc Contents" and "MVPX62018 Patch".  Ignore my folder typo as it actually contains the last MVPX5 (not X6) patch - MVPX51033_MoviePlusX5_7.0.2.018-Patch-Setup.exe. 

Open the Disc Contents folder and scroll down to "setup.exe".  Double clicking on that should result in MVPX6 being installed.  If not then hopefully Alfred can help out with advice on what you need to do.

After installing apply the patch and import your codec unlock codes by going in MVPX5 to where you exported them but this time click the Import button.


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

1968 - I remember that.  We had flooding in South London.  My brother and I and other cycling friends were in Essex for an event but I then had to drive them back to Beckenham.  We lived SE24 and to get home from Beckenham all the roads on our route dipped under one of the Southern Rail train routes bridges.  Each dip was full of water.  My Morris 1000 Traveller got soaked and the bodywork was never the same afterwards!


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Another article from the BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-64138743


(3 replies, posted in DrawPlus)

Oh dear.  Bazhawkeye I've only just discovered your September PM.  Alfred - I hadn't noticed my PM had gone bold.  Perhaps it need to be a flashing colour?

Anyway Bazhawkeye I took DPX5 off my Google Drive a while back.  Do you still need it?  If so I'll find it and upload it again.


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

GStree wrote:

As we will be in the UK for a while we went for a walk down the back of our house yesterday as the floods have receded. As usual I had my old Panasonic 990 in my pocket to capture a little part of our surroundings.

Thanks Gordon.  Looks a lot different to Spain.


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

A bit more on the Cruise Ship problem

https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/algae-rid … 6JS5GLERU/

TomH - Chad appears to currently have X5 working on his laptop so provided he exports the unlock codes he should be okay.  The only problem is that if later on he needs any that weren't unlocked he's out of luck.

Alfred - it was DP I shared?  Anyway I've found my MVPX5 disc and have uploaded the contents of it plus the last X5 patch as a zip file to Google Drive.  When Chad returns I'll PM him with the link.  Would you also like it?

Chad - I've just realised MVPX5 uses codec unlocking so urgently export your unlock codes from your old laptop while you can then store the small file somewhere safe.  You will need it to import the codes to a new installation.  Without the codes, which are linked to your license key, any new installation is useless.  Serif shut down the unlock codes server a while back.

Go to Tools/Options/Advanced and click on "Manage Unlock Codes".  There click on Export.  I'm looking at X6 but I'm pretty sure X5 was the same.

Where in the world are you?


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hi Paul,  The Cruise industry appears to be doing well judging by the numbers calling here recently.

As for fungi which are alien to our harbours we don't want them, neither does Australia.  Introduced species, albeit fungus, can cause havoc with native species.  It's bad enough that the warming seas are bringing down from tropical areas species of marine life which normally don't live here.


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thanks Paul.  2013, a lot has happened in the world since then.  Glad you enjoyed your visit.

My village has lots of lights at Christmas.  I didn't video any this year but did last year "After Dark"  https://vimeo.com/660068834


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thanks Gordon and Sue.  Another warm, humid day here.  No snow unlike in the US at present.


(4 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

What type of file is your "long file" and what type of audio stream does it contain e.g ac3, aac?


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thanks Paul.  Did we see you three times - in a suit then orange then blue shirt?  If so you haven't changed much!


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Do you not have credit cards or debit cards in New Zealand, that's how we normally pay for things?

Yes, I very rarely use cash nowadays.  EFTPOS is accepted in most places.  I still swipe and put in my PIN though.  I'm not keen on PayWave or waving a phone or watch etc.


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

exactly how I managed before these things were invented

Problem is the environment around is changing with technology.  For example cheques have disappeared here.  They're no longer accepted by banks so how are people who don't use internet or phone banking able to pay?  It's especially a problem if you aren't very mobile, or have deteriorating eyesight, dementia etc.


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Christmas challenge for film and video makers

Do you remember the first movie you made years ago? Full of errors you wouldn't make now!  Can you grab it and post for old times sake?  Mine was in Easter 1967 when I went on a "safari" around South London parks "In search of Squirrels" https://vimeo.com/781392655

We don't have squirrels here in NZ.  They didn't get here naturally and early European settlers didn't bring any.  Unfortunately they brought plenty of other pests which have been very harmful to our native wildlife.