William wrote:

I think something got lost in the tyoesetting! Yet interesting.

https://www.msn.com/en-gb/lifestyle/fam … r-AA1i8BKb

Hmm, I don't see any typos or missing text. However, I agree - it was quite an interesting read.

I like performing complicated calculations in my head, though I'm not always successful.

Alfred wrote:

Some of those will be bots, of course. At the time of writing, there is one registered user online (me!) and there are seven ‘guests’.

But why did these bots swarm the poem like flies to honey? https://punster.me/images/phpbb3/smilies/eusa/think.gif


(130 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Alfred wrote:

Thanks. I found references to the Canadian Sphynx when I did an image search yesterday, but reading about the Don (Donskoy) Sphynx just now it seems that they’re not related genetically.

They're both funny anyway!


(130 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Alfred wrote:

Wow, very stripey! And those ears are amazing!! What breed is it?

Thank you, Alfred! I often get confused, so it could actually be either a Don Sphynx or a Canadian Sphynx big_smile


(130 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Here's my little fella.


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

As I mentioned to you before, Alfred, I'm happy to be part of your community. It feels like everyone here is very friendly and polite. Thank you!


(7 replies, posted in Mathematics & Science)

I initially thought the answer was '30' because I interpreted the '1s' on the sides as '11'. Nice one.