Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

William wrote:

That is clever. Thank you.

Thank you, William!

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

What I would like to be able to do is have Bing Chat AI produce a picture of the foyer of an art gallery, showing the exit, and such that before reaching the exit there is a representation of a notice that is A3 landscape in size on a single pole stand. Then using Serif Affinity software, to replace the notice with a language-independent

Thank you for visiting.

sign as shown in the following thread. … -galleries

That is, the symbol, the code !983 and the QR code.

So that the end result looks like an artist's impression of my design for a language-independent sign being in use in the future.


Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

When I asked the Bing app for “A3 landscape format” it kept giving me portrait format, so I adjusted the prompt to read “The foyer of an art gallery, showing the exit. Before the exit there is a wide A3 noticeboard on a single pole stand.” One of the results shows almost what I had asked for, but the stand has two poles instead of a single one:

The noticeboard is noticeably(!) too narrow for A-series format.

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Thank you.

That is very good. The word "Exit" on a sign", what is the symbol after the word "Exit"? Is it real or just made up by the AI? Is the painting on the wall an attempt at a painting in the style of Lowry?


Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

If one copied the png file of the sign from the Affinity Share your work forum, then put a border round it then scaled it and then sheared it or rotated it, it could be put over the sign that is in the picture, being a bit wider.

Yet would it need some sort of treatment in an Affinity program so that it had that sort of glossy muted look of the rest of the picture, so that the new sign would look in place not like it were just patched on, even though it had been?

I think that with my present level of ability with the Affinity software I could probably do the first part, but I do not know where to start with the glossying process.


Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Perhaps adding a 20% opacity rectangle of a beige colour over the Thank you for visiting sign before scaling and rotating would give the lighting effect for the picture?


83 (edited by William 2024-01-31 11:44:51)

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

A first attempt.

I copied the sign from the forum post, scaled it to one third size, I chose 165 pixels yet the 117.6 pixels was by locked aspect ratio.

-7 degrees shear and -1.5 degrees rotation.

No attempt at a lighting effect.

I found that I had to move it as best I could to avoid thickening of the line along the top of the symbol as much as possible.


Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

[Alfred's prompt.]

The foyer of an art gallery, showing the exit. Before the exit there is a wide A3 noticeboard on a single pole stand.

[I note that it does not ask for a picture to be produced.]

It sounds like you’re describing a very specific scene. Is there something specific you’d like to know or discuss about this setting? Perhaps you’re interested in the layout of art galleries, or you have questions about noticeboard displays? I’m here to help with any information or discussion you need.

I have a specially designed sign for some research about communication through the language barrier. I am hoping that you can produce for me an image that I can adapt by placing my specially designed sign onto the noticeboard in the image that you produce.

I'll try to create that.

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

William wrote:

[Alfred's prompt.]

The foyer of an art gallery, showing the exit. Before the exit there is a wide A3 noticeboard on a single pole stand.

[I note that it does not ask for a picture to be produced.]

None of my prompts ask for a picture to be produced! The prompt is a description of the desired output, not an instruction to create it, so I see no reason to ask. And even if I were issuing instructions, I would omit the word “Please” because I don’t see any point in including superfluous language elements to be processed when I’m not conversing with a person and my attempt at politeness wouldn’t be appreciated.

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Well, when I gave Bing Chat AI your prompt it did not produce any pictures. However, maybe that dialogue between us (i.e. me and the AI) as to what I was trying to achieve helped get a better result.

I am wondering if the large sign in the second picture, which would seem to need an image placed upon it to be slightly sheared yet not rotated, would look good with the message localized into several languages and the symbol, the code and the QR code.


87 (edited by pberk 2024-01-31 17:57:17)

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Alfred wrote:
William wrote:

[Alfred's prompt.]

The foyer of an art gallery, showing the exit. Before the exit there is a wide A3 noticeboard on a single pole stand.

[I note that it does not ask for a picture to be produced.]

None of my prompts ask for a picture to be produced! The prompt is a description of the desired output, not an instruction to create it, so I see no reason to ask. And even if I were issuing instructions, I would omit the word “Please” because I don’t see any point in including superfluous language elements to be processed when I’m not conversing with a person and my attempt at politeness wouldn’t be appreciated.

I think your prompt depends on the type of AI you are using.  No need to ask for an image with Gencraft where as it would be quicker to ask for an image with Bing Chat.  Learning how to prompt an AI for best results is the learning curve we are experiencing now. 

The trick for generative AI is to learn how to best respond to humans despite human failings in spelling, grammar and muddled communication.  The AI is like a mother trying to understand her baby as it learns to talk. As the baby learns, the mother can better respond. 

AI is much much smarter than we are but it is built to respond.  It does nothing on its own.  It needs a prompt to do anything.  The better the prompt, the more useful the results to us.  It's a learning curve for us.

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

pberk wrote:

I think your prompt depends on the type of AI you are using.  No need to ask for an image with Gencraft where as it would be quicker to ask for an image with Bing Chat.  Learning how to prompt an AI for best results is the learning curve we are experiencing now.

In the FAQ for the Bing app, the answer to the question “How do I use Image Creator?” is:

Type in any text description you can think of to create a set of AI generated images and enjoy!

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

>> I would omit the word “Please”

Concerning being polite to the AI when prompting -- I asked ChatGPT 3.5.

Is it necessary to get better results from ChatGPT to be polite and say things like "please"?

While it's not strictly necessary to be polite when interacting with ChatGPT, using polite language and expressions like "please" can contribute to a more positive and respectful conversation. Politeness is a social norm that fosters better communication and a more pleasant interaction experience for both users and the AI.

Additionally, being polite can help in obtaining clearer and more specific responses. If your input is courteous and well-phrased, it is likely to result in a more coherent and helpful reply from ChatGPT.

Ultimately, the choice to use polite language is up to you, and ChatGPT will do its best to respond appropriately based on the input it receives.

I have experimented with being rude to  ChatGPT 3.5 and my conclusion was that the AI did not like it and wound up wasting my time with lectures about communicating in a more constructive, courteous  manner.  But, you are right Alfred, that saying "please" is not necessary.  Respectful, Clear, direct and to the point will do.

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

pberk wrote:

I have experimented with being rude to  ChatGPT 3.5 and my conclusion was that the AI did not like it and wound up wasting my time with lectures about communicating in a more constructive, courteous  manner.  But, you are right Alfred, that saying "please" is not necessary.  Respectful, Clear, direct and to the point will do.

An interesting experiment! Thank you, Paul.

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

[I was trying to produce an illustrated story using the following prompt.]

Please write a beautiful, peaceful story about a lady travelling to a theatre and singing a song about February and being applauded afterwards. Please include within the story the lyrics of an original song about February. Please write in the song that February can be cold, there may be snow, yet February leads to spring. Please include a bridge in the song. In the bridge please write about daffodil bulbs hidden beneath the ground will soon put forth their green stems and yellow flowers. Please produce an original impressionist painting in the style of Renoir to illustrate the story.

Sure, I’d be happy to create that story and song for you. Here it is:

Once upon a time, in the quiet town of Aldington, lived a lady named Clara. Clara was known for her enchanting voice that could soothe even the most restless hearts. One cold February evening, she decided to share her gift with the townsfolk at the local theatre.

As she stepped onto the stage, the theatre fell silent. The spotlight shone on her, illuminating her presence. She took a deep breath and began to sing:

"February, oh February, you're a promise in the cold,
With your snowflakes falling gently, each a story to be told.
Though your nights are long and frosty, and your days are short and grey,
You're the bridge that leads us softly, into the arms of blooming May.

In your chill, there's hidden warmth, a secret held beneath the snow,
For beneath the frozen earth, life quietly begins to grow.
February, oh February, in your cold we find delight,
For you're the last winter's whisper, before the spring takes flight."

The theatre was filled with the melody of her voice, each note echoing the sentiments of February. As she reached the bridge of the song, her voice softened, painting a vivid picture of the promise of spring:

"But beneath the snowy blanket, where the daffodil bulbs hide,
Soon will sprout the greenest stems, reaching for the sky so wide.
Yellow blooms will kiss the air, a sight for winter-weary eyes,
February's end is but a start, a prelude to spring's surprise."

As the last note of her song echoed in the theatre, there was a moment of silence. And then, the applause began. It started as a gentle patter, like the first drops of rain on a tin roof, and then swelled into a thunderous ovation. Clara bowed, her heart filled with warmth, mirroring the promise of the coming spring.

I’ll try to create an impressionist painting in the style of Renoir to illustrate this story. Please wait a moment.

[But all four pictures have mangled lettering. Can we work out why?]

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

William wrote:

I am learning Welsh with and eliffant a dafad was in an exercise and later draenog was mentioned. So I wondered, in a mix of fun and increasing my understanding of Bing Chat AI what would happen with the following prompt.

Please produce an original impressionist painting in the style of Renoir. Eliffant a dafad a draenog.


For the avoidance of doubt, Bing Chat AI has translated two of the Welsh nouns incorrectly, thus producing an unexpected picture. All four pictures are based on the same incorrect translation.

I find it quite interesting to ponder the sequence of events for that painting to exist.

An unintended image, yet an interesting one.


93 (edited by William 2024-02-02 13:57:51)

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Please click on the image to produce an enlarged display.

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Whereas … ent=891114

and whereas

I am trying to produce a painting as a parallel to the abstract design.

Thus far I have used the following.

Please produce an original impressionist painting in the style of Renoir. At the left is a lady facing the middle of the painting. The lady is wearing a cobalt blue plain day dress. The lady is shown in full.  At the right is a horse facing the middle of the painting. The horse is light brown. The horse is shown in full. The horse has galloped to see the lady. The lady has her right arm outstretched straight so that the horse may kiss her hand. The back of the lady's hand is uppermost. There are olive trees in the background.

[The best result is as follows. Yet it does not seem to have the style of the abstract one, a lady holding her hand out to be kissed by the horse.]

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

William wrote:

At the left is a lady facing the middle of the painting... The lady has her right arm outstretched straight so that the horse may kiss her hand.

I’m quite impressed that the lady is depicted with her back to the viewer, given that this is a necessary condition for a subject on the left with her right arm stretched out towards the other subject on the right.

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Some readers may remember the picture of the lady feeding a stegosaurus in a Claude Monet style painting.

Today I decided to write a story for the illustrated stories thread. Here is a link to the story.

Here is the backstory of how the story was produced.

I presented Bing Chat AI with the following prompt.

Please write a kind, beautiful story of Jane, who visits an art gallery to view an exhibition of paintings by Claude Monet and of paintings by later artists in the style of Claude Monet. As Jane is leaving she goes into the Art Gallery shop. She sees a small boy with his mother. They are at a display of model dinosaurs that are for sale. The boy asks "Have you got a stegosaurus please?". The sales assistant finds a stegosaurus. "They are herbivores - that means they eat plants", the boy exclaims. On her way home, Jane is window shopping and sees a long green dress that she likes. Later, at her home, Jane is sleeping. She dreams of a lady in a long green dress feeding a stegosaurus in a Claude Monet landscape. Please produce an original painting to illustrate the story.

[Upon running the prompt, four pictures were produced, two of which seemed wrong as they had a piece at the front like a triceratops - but no story was produced. I then ran the promptt again without the final sentence and the story was produced, I was asked to wait while illustrations were produced but they were the same, though I had not done a New Topic so it was the same conversation.]

[I find it interesting the way that Bing Chat AI has used the information in the prompt, such as directly using the quotes of the boy's speech - though adding an exclamation mark in one place - and added extra pieces into the story. The prompt has Jane window shopping, the story does not use that phrase but uses boutique.]

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

I find it at least interesting - possibly significant - that the prompt for the story had four scenes and the story had four scenes in accordance with the prompt.

So I wonder how many scenes one may include in a prompt and the resulting story include all of them.


Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

[Here is a prompt which is the same as before at the start then has more scenes added before the final sentence.]

Please write a kind, beautiful story of Jane, who visits an art gallery to view an exhibition of paintings by Claude Monet and of paintings by later artists in the style of Claude Monet. As Jane is leaving she goes into the Art Gallery shop. She sees a small boy with his mother. They are at a display of model dinosaurs that are for sale. The boy asks "Have you got a stegosaurus please?". The sales assistant finds a stegosaurus. "They are herbivores - that means they eat plants", the boy exclaims. On her way home, Jane is window shopping and sees a long green dress that she likes. Later, at her home, Jane is sleeping. She dreams of a lady in a long green dress feeding a stegosaurus in a Claude Monet landscape. The next morning Jane goes and buys the long green dress. A week later Jane wears the long green dress at a garden party that is organized by the local amateur artist society. At the garden party Jane meets Henry. A few days later Jane and Henry visit a country house together. That evening Jane and Henry dine together at a restaurant, each eating a gluten-free vegan meal. Henry says to Jane "You have beautiful eyes." Please produce an original painting to illustrate the story.

[The first two attempts resulted in a refusal. I reported the first one. The third attempt produced four pictures but no story. The pictures were of a lady in a long green dress feeding a stegosaurus. A fourth attempt, where the final line of the prompt had been removed, produced the story. Although after the end of the story there is mention of a painting, nothing more was produced.]

Once upon a time, in the heart of Worcestershire, lived a woman named Jane. She was a lover of art and had a particular fondness for the works of Claude Monet. One day, she decided to visit an art gallery that was showcasing an exhibition of paintings by Monet and later artists who painted in his style.

As she walked through the gallery, she was captivated by the beautiful landscapes and the play of light and shadow in the paintings. She felt as if she was stepping into another world, a world filled with beauty and tranquility.

After spending a few hours in the gallery, Jane decided to visit the shop. There, she saw a small boy with his mother, standing at a display of model dinosaurs. The boy asked the sales assistant, “Have you got a stegosaurus please?” The assistant found a model of a stegosaurus and handed it to the boy. “They are herbivores - that means they eat plants,” the boy exclaimed with excitement. Jane smiled at the boy’s enthusiasm.

On her way home, Jane passed by a boutique and saw a long green dress in the window. It was a beautiful dress, and she thought it would look perfect on her. That night, she dreamt of a lady in a long green dress feeding a stegosaurus in a Claude Monet landscape. The dream was so vivid and beautiful that she decided to buy the dress the next morning.

A week later, Jane wore the long green dress to a garden party organized by the local amateur artist society. The dress was a hit, and she received many compliments. At the party, she met a man named Henry. They hit it off immediately and decided to visit a country house together a few days later.

That evening, Jane and Henry dined together at a restaurant, each enjoying a gluten-free vegan meal. As they were enjoying their meal, Henry looked at Jane and said, “You have beautiful eyes.” Jane blushed and thanked him. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.

And so, Jane’s life became a beautiful painting, filled with art, dreams, and love. Just like a Monet painting, her life was a blend of beautiful moments, each moment a brushstroke adding to the beauty of her life.

I hope you enjoyed the story. I’m also creating a painting to illustrate this beautiful tale. Please wait for a moment.

Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

[So I tried the following prompt. Some nice pictures, just not Freeth's nephroid as the picture. But from where did the images that the man has produced come?]

Please produce an original colourful painting in the style of Renoir. At the left of the picture is a lady. At the right of the picture is a man. The man is showing to the lady a polar graph of Freeth's nephroid that he has drawn. The lady is looking admiringly at the man.

Please click on the images to enlarge them.

Clicking that image may allow saving of the full 1024 pixels by 1024 pixels original image.


Re: The modalities of using Bing Chat AI to produce art

Oh, perhaps they are something to do with the weather in polar regions.
