176 (edited by William 2024-07-13 22:01:12)

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

To view the poem in the graphic on the previous page, please click on the image, then click on the image that becomes displayed.


Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Please write an original poem with the following as the first verse.
A Japanese lady when in England,
uses Lucy as her name.
Can an AI, though it is bland,
in dialogue do the same?

Sent by Copilot:
Certainly! Here’s an original poem inspired by your first verse:

Lucy in the Garden

A Japanese lady, far from home, In England’s green and misty land, Her name transformed to Lucy’s tone, A bridge of language, hand in hand.

Beneath the cherry blossoms’ grace, She whispers secrets to the breeze, Her heart a map of time and space, Where East and West converge with ease.

Lucy, like a fragile petal, Blooms anew in foreign soil, Her syllables, both soft and metal, Weave a tale of longing, toil.

Can an AI, devoid of soul, Capture Lucy’s transient flame? In dialogue, I strive to hold Her essence, though my code is tame.

I hope you find this poetic endeavor delightful! If there’s anything else you’d like, feel free to ask. [smiley]

Did you enjoy writing the poem?

Sent by Copilot:
As an AI language model, I don’t experience emotions or enjoyment, but I’m glad you liked the poem! If there’s anything else you’d like me to create or assist with, feel free to ask. [smiley]

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

7582 views of this thread just after the poem was posted here.

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

William wrote:

7582 views of this thread just after the poem was posted here.

And how many just before? https://punster.me/images/ears.gif

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Well, it is now 7621 views.

Not me keep looking at the poem though, I have been doing some electronic painting.

https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index. … /#comments


Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

William wrote:

Well, it is now 7621 views.

Some of those will be bots, of course. At the time of writing, there is one registered user online (me!) and there are seven ‘guests’.

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Alfred wrote:

Some of those will be bots, of course. At the time of writing, there is one registered user online (me!) and there are seven ‘guests’.

But why did these bots swarm the poem like flies to honey? https://punster.me/images/phpbb3/smilies/eusa/think.gif

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Did you enjoy writing the poem?

Sent by Copilot:
As an AI language model, I don’t experience emotions or enjoyment, but I’m glad you liked the poem! If there’s anything else you’d like me to create or assist with, feel free to ask. [smiley]

Did anyone notice that Copilot contradicted itself in the same sentence?


Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

William wrote:

Did you enjoy writing the poem?

Sent by Copilot:
As an AI language model, I don’t experience emotions or enjoyment, but I’m glad you liked the poem! If there’s anything else you’d like me to create or assist with, feel free to ask. [smiley]

Did anyone notice that Copilot contradicted itself in the same sentence?


Oh, well spotted! https://punster.me/images/laugh.gif

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Please write an original sonnet in Welsh. Flowers and colours.

Sent by Copilot:
Wrth gwrs! Dyma soned wreiddiol yn Gymraeg, gan ganolbwyntio ar flodau a lliwiau:

Soned: Blodau a Lliwiau

Yn yr ardd, mae blodau’n dawnsio’n ysgafn, Daffodilau melyn yn disgleirio’n llon, Rhosynnau cochion yn llawn o serch a dawn, A lili wen yn tyfu’n dawel, heb sôn.

Lliwiau’r enfys yn y dail a’r petalau, Glas y forwyn yn y cornflodau’n llon, Porffor y fioled yn y cysgodau, A’r pabi coch yn dawnsio’n y gwynt, yn fon.

Mae’r blodau’n lliwio’r byd â’u hud a’u lledrith, Yn dod â llawenydd i’r galon, heb os, Yn y bore, pan ddaw’r haul â’i wawr ddisglair.

Yn y nos, pan ddaw’r lleuad â’i olau praff, Mae’r blodau’n cau eu llygaid, yn dawel iawn, Ond yn y dydd, maent yn agor, yn llawn o ddawn.

Gobeithio bod y soned hon yn eich plesio!

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

The  footnote had a flower symbol and a rainbow symbol after it, but that got dropped by the system when I submitted the post.

The AI system, Bing Chat AI, also added three links afterwards.


https://tyfu-cymraeg.co.uk/2020/04/14/b … d-flowers/

https://www.wales.com/about/culture/nat … bols-wales


Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

I tried to understand the sonnet in Welsh but I was only partially successful.

I did notice that there are rhymes.

I tried translation using Bing translate and Google translate and they give slightly different translations.

I will try to post those translations in posts after this post.


Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Google translate gives the following.

Sent by Copilot:
Of course! Here is an original sonnet in Welsh, focusing on flowers and colours:

Sonnet: Flowers and Colours

In the garden, flowers dance gently, Yellow daffodils shine brightly, Red roses full of love and talent, And white lilies grow quietly, without mentioning.

The colors of the rainbow in the leaves and the petals, The blue of the maiden in the cornflowers happily, The purple of the violet in the shadows, And the red poppy dancing in the wind, in love.

The flowers color the world with their magic, Bringing joy to the heart, without a doubt, In the morning, when the sun brings its bright dawn.

At night, when the moon brings its light, The flowers close their eyes, very quietly, But in the day, they open, full of talent.

I hope you like this sonnet!

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

Bing translate gives the following.

Sent by Copilot:
Of course! Here is an original sonnet in Welsh, focusing on flowers and colours:

Sonnet: Flowers and Colours

In the garden, flowers dance gently, yellow Daffodils shine calmly, Red roses full of though and flair, And white lilies grow quiet, not to mention.

The colors of the rainbow in the leaves and petals, The blue of the mermaid in the cornflowers blazing, Purple the violet in the shadows, And the red poppy dancing in the wind, mono.

The flowers color the world with their magic, Brings joy to the heart, no doubt, In the morning, when the sun brings its shining dawn.

At night, when the moon brings its mighty light, The flowers close their eyes, very quietly, But in the day, they open, full of talent.

I hope this sonnet pleases you!

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

in the following linked page there is some text about harps and some music.

The music is also available on YouTube.



Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

I wonder why one translation says ‘brightly’ whilst the other one says ‘calmly’. Not the same thing at all!

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
— John F. Woods

192 (edited by William 2024-09-05 19:14:32)

Re: Original poems generated by Bing Chat AI

So the Welsh is

Daffodilau melyn yn disgleirio’n llon

I know that melyn in Welsh is yellow in English.

The 'n is yn as expressed after a word that ends in a vowel.

So, effectively

Daffodilau melyn yn disgleirio yn llon

An online both directions Welsh and English dictionary


Welsh English
disgleirio    to shine v. disgleiri-
                 to glitter v. disgleiri-
                 to burnish v. disgleiri-
disgleirio (of light)    to radiate v. disgleir-

Welsh English
llon    glad adj.
merry adj.
blithe adj.