I’m sorry to come to this discussion so late, but I didn’t want to watch only five or ten minutes of the video before commenting, and until now various distractions got in the way of my watching more than that at one go. I’ve now watched the entire show, half last night and half this morning.
What an astounding piece of work, Paul! I’ve never read the book and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen a movie version from beginning to end, so although I’d previously encountered the names of the principal characters I’d only been vaguely familiar with a few bits of the plot. That shortcoming has now been corrected in the space of a hugely enjoyable couple of half hours.
There are inevitably the odd few typos (e.g. “ring her neck” at 41:28 and “that villian Willoughby” at 53:42) and the name Ferrars is misspelled in three different ways (Ferras, Ferris, and Farras) but that can easily, if somewhat tediously, be fixed by going through the whole thing with the proverbial fine-toothed comb.
"I am ignorant of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance, and therein lies my honour and my reward.”
— Kahlil Gibran