(130 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks Alfred.  In hindsight I could have looked it up smile


(130 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yes curiosity killed the cats but remind me Alfred, what was it that brought them back?


(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

I actually found his opera singing more pleasant than the earlier video.

What's the purpose of what's hanging around his chest?  I hope it wasn't live.


(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thanks Gordon, the fire lady was certainly the best act.


(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Was the ode your own work, and if it was, what came first the video or the ode?

Yes I wrote it but as to which came first I cannot remember.   They probably evolved together or maybe some video shots started the ode and I then went out and shot the rest after I'd written the ode.


(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thanks Albert.  You can tell it's in UK when you see a gentleman walking a dog wearing suit and tie!

The Wikipedia page had sufficient information to explain what Gondwana is, or was.

Whilst you move from Spring to Summer we are going from Autumn to Winter after a long summer.  Here's an Autumn video I made in 2008.  It's only SD unfortunately.



(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Poor Frank!


(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Gordon - 40c plus!  Not pleasant but then I assume Spain has dry heat unlike the tropics?


(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

No Albert, it's not just you.  I don't know why as I used my usual recording and tidying up procedure but couldn't get it to sound "mellow".


(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

A new short one from me, just 2 mins 35 secs.  https://vimeo.com/712532214

A recent visit to one of our local volcanic mounds.  Cloudy and very windy.


(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thanks Albert.  Some nice closeups.


(328 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've probably told this one before.

You remember the Bible story of Noah and the Ark.  Well it doesn't tell you that it nearly sank.  A few weeks at sea and it developed a hole in one of the timbers.  Noah grabbed one of the dogs and pushed its nose into the hole.  That was okay for a while but then the hole got bigger.  So he got Mrs Noah to block the hole with her hand.  But again the hole got bigger so in desperation he sat in the hole.

The Ark was saved but as a result, even today, dogs have cold noses, women have cold hands, and men always stand with their backs to a fire.


(328 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks Alfred for your explanation.  I didn't realise that the person on the right, standing in what appears to be a garden, is meant to be the devil.


(328 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sorry Jack, I'm none the wiser.  Is it a M.Python joke?  I never followed that programme.


(2 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

So Vicki, I could use it to do my narrations?


(328 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sorry Alfred, I don't get it.  What was the typo?


(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Yes thanks Vicki I did receive it.  A bit behind with my responses at present.

Update: Vicki, I've now replied to John.


(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thanks Albert, very colourful.

Wallabies were introduced here over 100 years ago and are now considered a pest.  I hope the ones you saw are confined to the garden.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Cliff - for registration use the Universal code "881887".  Then you shouldn't be pestered with the registration screen.


(130 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Short video from a recent retirement village trip to Ambury Park.  No bluebells, it's a very different park.  Title "Animal Afternoon" https://vimeo.com/704061421


(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thanks Albert.  Yes Kent is often described as the Garden of England.


(14 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Vicki, Unfortunately they are tied to your unique Product Key so other persons unlock codes won't work with your Product Key.


(675 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thanks Gordon.  The Europe situation also has me very unsettled at present.


(328 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sorry Jack, it's way over my head.  I just don't get the joke.