(4 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Good morning to you, hope fully when you get this problem sorted one of us maybe able to assist you.


(2 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Yes if you needed to Eric.  You can only export as an MP4 file and I/we either strip out the video using Soundforge Pro14 or Vegas post 19


(2 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Good morning to all.  just thought I would post this here for anybody who wishes to use a text to speech facility.  John and I both use this for different aspects of our video editing and creations.  There are other various sources on the internet but we think this one is probably the best we have found. We know others will come up with alternatives, this is just our preference
There is also a good description on YouTube to be found here.....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhOyjXK … nStratvert


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Eric, John messaged you in another Forum about your comment and his new smartphone as he could not find your comment on that forum.  Did you receive it ok?  Cheers Vicki

William we watched part two on Friday.  fascinating insight.  I think the target of 2024 is a bit ambitious.  The timber reconstruction was a terrific subject to watch.  Whist the presenter is probably highly qualified we did find her a bit OTT at times, and were not impressed by the fit and wearing angle of her hard hat as it was a joke on a building site.  Vicki


(14 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Looks like I am going to have to abandon MoviePlus sadly.  Thanks Eric


(14 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Just as a thought has anybody got these codecs and would they work in my program if somebody could email them to me?  Cheers Vicki


(14 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Good morning Albert sadly the laptop the program was on has had the HDD reformatted so it was ready for sale.  So it looks as if its going to be a no no then.  Thanks for trying to help. Vicki


(14 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Ok so the answer to this is probably a no no.  I would like to reinstall the software on my new PC but sadly I understand the codecs needed are not now available.  Is there any way I could unlock the codecs and use the program.  Cheers Vicki

Ours is fine in Surbiton


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Alfred thanks for the reply and link. I have downloaded the copytrans utility and all works great.  thanks for your help.  I looked at the Ms one but there was a few negative views.  Cheers Vicki


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Good morning to all.  I would like to leave my Samsung Galaxy preferred image format as HEIF for quality.  I can open these in Affinity Photo but not Irfanview.  After looking around the internet it would seen that Irfanview can open these files if I install a download from this site. https://www.copytrans.net/copytransheic/
Before I download and install this has anybody any experience with this site?  If not have members got an alternative to this please?
Thanks in advance Vicki.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Good morning William was it successful in finding your file?  Vicki


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If you only have a C drive look in the upper right of file explorer if you type in *.afpub it should pick up any files with that type name.  it works for me on both my C and E drives.  Cheers Vicki


(6 replies, posted in Fonts)

Alfred I have downloaded and installed  High-Logic MainType will try and get to grips with this program. Bhikkhu Pesala in the other Forum appears to use this program and has done some tutorials on it up on Vimeo.  Thanks for your pointers once again. Vicki


(6 replies, posted in Fonts)

Thank you Alfred.  Will check these out.  Cheers Vicki


(6 replies, posted in Fonts)

Just wondered if any members used a font viewer. If so any recommendations?   I have looked at this one but have not decided yet. Cheers Vicki


(5 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Thank you both, will check out both of these.


(5 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Good morning to all.  Its been years since I last used the chart tool in pageplus, is there a video or tutorial on how to use the tool.  I have a database that I wish to turn into a chart.  Win10 O/S.  Cheers Vicki


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Eric we have used this track in a video previously and as you say it is a haunting piece of music. We /I often listen to as background music whilst we/I are doing video editing.  Cheers Vicki


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ok so for some clarification for Albert and Eric.  We all have individual foibles about how we use our PC's.  Mine is using the number pad with my mouse for my pin number on the lock screen.  Hope that clears things up. Vicki


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thank you all, now sorted. The number pad using the mouse is my lazy way of using the lock screen


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

On my new PC lock screen I only have a box to enter my pin.  I don't have a sign in option. Whereas on my laptop it displays a numeric keypad, which I could input the pin with my mouse. I have searched on my laptop and google for setting to alter to no avail.  Is there anybody in here that is able to suggest anything? Cheers Vicki


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thank you Alfred all sorted now.  Many thanks Vicki.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Just a general question with my husband and I upgrading from our laptop to a new desktop PC.  Can we save a copy of the laptop windows Font folder to an external hard drive then rename the font folder to Fonts1 on the windows desktop PC, can we then paste the saved Font directory from the external hard drive into the Desktop PC windows Folder to work?  Or is it not as easy as it looks to do?  Cheers Vicki