Alfred wrote:
jackneve wrote:

I had the notion that we could have a thread devoted to the literary arts - more the literature rather than the mechanism.

A good point well made, as they say! I’m afraid I’m all too prone to following a thread where it leads. Perhaps I should split the off-topic posts to a new thread.

Yes, a thread with a title such as

On the possibility of producing a greetings card that displays the text of an original poem

and in the first post you could provide a link to the thread that contains Jack's poem and say that the new thread is a spin-off thread that commenced by moving some posts that were originally made in the poem thread.


Alfred wrote:
William wrote:

I worked in pixels at 2171 pixels high by 1571 pixels wide at 300 dots per inch; that gives a bit of sideways play.

The size is, mixed units, 7 inches tall by 5 inches wide, with a 3 millimetre wide bleed area on each edge, though only three of them get chopped off.

If the document size is specified in inches, the standard bleed amount is 1/8 inch: the 3 mm quoted here is the metric equivalent. If you’re adding 1/4 inch to the overall dimensions, that’s 75 pixels at 300 ppi, so the finished size in pixels should be 2175 by 1575.

However, if you really need a bleed area, you might as well let the program handle the details for you! (Spoiler: You don’t need a bleed area for plain text on a white background.)

Well the document for a Papier card is not specified in inches but miliimetres, yet it is the equivalent of 7 inches by 5 inches. A 3 millimetre bleed area is advisable, yet the Papier system is quite tolerant of what is uploaded and will scale and crop if needed.

The Tesco oak effect frame for a 7 inches by 5 inches photograph that I bought about a year ago is no longer available (but there is a replacement type, though I have not bought any of them), had the aperture in the mount a bit smaller so that a bit of the picture goes behind the mount. … /308622501

The Papier card mentioned is said to have dimensions of

127mm x 177.8mm

However I tend to use the larger frames and have a white area behind the card, so the mount is more like a decorative border. … /308622478



(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have noticed that your poem does not have a title.

It is an author's choice not to have a title for a poem.

But just wondering if you might like to consider adding a title.

[Moderator note: Remainder of post moved to new topic.]


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

In my opinion, that is very good.


jackneve wrote:

What about literature topics?
Poetry etc.

I have just posted a poem in response to a post by William, in the old Lounge, in the Video thread. It's the wrong place, like off topic, and with permission I'll post it here.

The poem is, in my opinion, really good.

So in which category, and in which thread within that category, would it be posted in this forum?

Posted as just forum text like this, or in an image produced using Serif software?

If the latter, which font would be a good choice?

Would the poem be the same regardless of the font or would the font nuance its meaning?


Well, the study of subjects such as French as a language is regarded as an "Arts" subject.



(332 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Joe wrote:

It has to happen.

I was driving along old sixty-six
And I stopped for a bite to eat
I'd been driving along for quite a while
I thought I'd rest my feet
But when I left the diner
What did I surely find
My semi gone to Los Angeles
Leaving me behind



(3 replies, posted in ImpactPlus, 3DPlus, etc.)

Yes, that was good advice and got it going on Windows 8.1

However, if I remember correctly, when I installed it on my old computer, which ran on Windows 10, I think that it worked straightaway without any need to do that process.

It is not installed on this machine.


How specific can top level categories be please?

For example, which of these, if any, are too general, which of these, if any, are too specific.



Art Galleries

Modern Art

Museum of Modern Art, New York

Art of the Renaissance

The art of Leonardo da Vinci

Original art by forum members




(1 replies, posted in DaisyTrail (CraftArtist & DSA))

Transcript from … il-gallery

On Thursday 10 August 2017, the last full day of activity in the daisytrail gallery, there was an event.

The event was a wacky races style race from Nottingham to the Mall in London, though by way of anywhere in the world.

I contributed a sequence of images, and I am now conserving them in this thread.

I started at around 9:00 am on Thursday and finished around 1:00 am on Friday morning, at various sessions on the computer during the day.

I did not have the story preplanned, it just developed as I went along, with only one or two future images in mind when producing a particular image.

I present the story here with asterisks separating pictures so that readers may muse on the story as it unfolds if they wish, perhaps trying to think what they would have as the next picture if they were trying to continue the writing of the story.

William Overington

Saturday 12 August 2017

A total of fifteen images.

I managed to include into the story another suggested story of a trip to the moon.

Most of the images are from CraftArtist digikits.

The three images of the Space Cruiser I made from a Space Cruiser 3d model from ImpactPlus 5. I changed the colour and made three images each by rotating the 3d model within the ImpactPlus 5 scene space and then exporting a 2d image from ImpactPlus 5 with a transparent background, the third image also including the image of the moon. ImpactPlus 5 dates from 2004, yet here it is in use in 2017 on a computer running Windows 10. I applied the images within CraftArtist 2.0 by using the Insert Photo From File... facility of the CraftArtist 2.0 program.

The font used is Goudita SF Bold at a 36 point size.

I really enjoyed producing the images and uploading them among other images that were being produced by other people who were also posting images of their own for the race.

A memorable experience.


I will try.

The tortoise from SteamPunk Emporium.

The signpost from CS London Landmarks, used three times, in one image with part of it blanked off.

The balloon from SteamPunk Adventures.

The Elizabeth Tower from CS London Landmarks.

The Eiffel Tower from CS Parisian Spring.

The grass from next to the Eiffel Tower is from CS Parisian Spring.

The flying machine from SteamPunk Adventures.

The medal from Sports Day 2012. That is intersting because that digikit was mentioned when the race was being suggested and it was a free digikit and I downloaded it as a result of it being mentioned.

The pyramids from SteamPunk Adventures.

The Dodo from SteamPunk Adventures.

Antarctica is from CS Manhattan Winter, where it is a rather smaller piece of ice with land beneath it.

I used the technique of starting with the first CraftArtist project and then commencing each subsequent image with a Save As... from the previous CraftArtist project, thus keeping the images available and also keeping the line of lettering in the same place. After each change of the text I centred the lettering object horizontally on the page.

For one caption I used two lines of text, so for the next image I copied the text object from the image before that so as to keep the vertical alignment of a single line caption the same as before.


Thank you.

I need to point out that although I suggested an event, the specific ideas for the format came from at least three other ideas from other people. Alas I forget exactly who suggested what.

One suggestion was a journey to the moon.

Another suggestion was for a race around London ending in The Mall, but where to start.

Another suggestion was that the race could start in Nottingham, yet could go anywhere in the world on the way.

Not to forget that I had the idea for an event at all from the fact that someone had suggested a virtual trip to the seaside some time previously and that had happened some time previously.

So what happened was very much from a mixture of ideas from a number of people.

Which was good as it was part of the happy friendly community of the daisytrail forum and gallery.



(1 replies, posted in DaisyTrail (CraftArtist & DSA))


(3 replies, posted in ImpactPlus, 3DPlus, etc.)

ImpactPlus is a wonderful program.

It is from nearly twenty years ago yet it still works well.

I had great problems trying to use it at first until I found that I could use it by putting numbers in the status panel and thus not needing to drag anything with a mouse pointer, after which I found that I could get it to work magnificently.

One works in a three-dimensional space to produce a scene, then one can rotate so as to display a view from a chosen viewpoint and then export a two-dimensional image as viewed from that viewpoint.



(7 replies, posted in Mathematics & Science)

Alfred wrote:
jackneve wrote:

if the astronaut has a height of say 2m

I wonder how many astronauts are as much as 2 metres tall.

Well, NASA did have a maximum height limit of 6 foot 3 inches for the Space Shuttle.



(7 replies, posted in Mathematics & Science)

An excellent find.

Thank you.



(7 replies, posted in Mathematics & Science)

jackneve wrote:

How about "Interesting science and maths"

Yes, a good idea.

Here is a post to start it off.

I don't know the answer.

Suppose that a mission to Mars is going to use a spacecraft that is like a giant rotating wheel.

Suppose as a starting point that the wheel is 100 metres in diameter.

How fast would the wheel need to spin in order to produce artificial gravity equivalent to gravity as on the surface of the earth?

Is that reasonably feasible?

What level of artificial gravity could reasonably be produced on a wheel of that size?


Thank you.



(60 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Citizen Kane Party, colourized


Alfred wrote:
KarenPL wrote:
Joe wrote:

Does anyone want legacy products on here? If so, webplus, pageplus and movieplus are good for me.

And perhaps CraftArtist? Some of the regulars from Daisytrail are on Facebook. I could always mention this forum in the Group, to see if there is any interest?

Absolutely! I imagine a DaisyTrail section would be particularly popular.

Yes, call it Daisy Trail rather than CraftArtist.

Could you possibly start it by copying the thread The Race from the legacy forum please? … il-gallery

There are three pages of it.

Can it be done in one go or would it need to be done bit by bit, possibly by me?


How about a category of

Art in Art Galleries

where links such as could be posted and art that is in art galleries discussed

and another category of

Our Art

where members of this forum can post their own art.

That way the two are separate collections of threads.


Oh, so would you rather any suggestions be in that thread?

If so, this thread could be locked.


All of the threads thus far are in a category named Discussion.

Would it be good to have other top-level categories?

If so, what should they be?

If there were Arts and Sciences, would that perpetuate the two cultures situation about which C. P. Snow wrote?

So should that be avoided?

For example, where would anything that relates to the BBC programme 'Fake or Fortune' be placed when it is about whether a painting is authentic and often includes scientific methods, such as spectroscopy to determine if pigments used in the paint were in existence at the time that the painting was purportedly painted?

So if there were, say, about seven categories, what should they be?

Please discuss.



(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The fact of the matter is that a person often discusses things with a doctor or nurse that one would not discuss with other people.

It is not a matter of being upset, or the doctor or nurse being hardened.

The fact of the matter is that, say, when a man is discussing something with a female nurse there is a balance between the medical discussion necessity and the everyday politeness to a lady. It is a delicate balance of trying do both simultaneously.



(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If it were me and I had a need to express such things, say to a nurse or a doctor, I think I would probably use more euphemistic terms than those you mention. But let's not go into details please.



(332 replies, posted in General Discussion)

A man walks into a pub leading a white horse.
The barman says "There's a drink named after you"
And the horse says "How do you know my name is Shandy?"



(332 replies, posted in General Discussion)

A new one.

"Do you know the differences between the typefaces Bembo and Poliphilus?"
"Also, no"
"Oh, that's strange as you are studying the topography of Italy."
