(4 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Ah yes - that’s where I should have been.
Thanks for solving that.


(4 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Thanks for the input. Unfortunately both methods you have described leave too much space between the vertical characters.
As I’ve only had to do this for the three letters ‘THE’, I’ve found it easier to just create 3 text boxes close together vertically and put a centered letter in each one.


(4 replies, posted in PagePlus)

I am lost, trying to place a vertical word in PPX9.
It’s just ‘THE’ in a newsletter. I can place it a text box and swing it round 90° but that’s not it. And I could place each letter in its own box and align together vertically, still fiddly.
I can’t find ‘line spacing’ anywhere, or vertical words.
Would appreciate some advice thanks.


(5 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Thanks for the help folks. I was able to fix the faded colour which had been set to an automatic preset. I changed in Styles & all back to normal now.

And also I have found the difference when posting: One has not only to Choose File, but also to Add file, before posting.


(5 replies, posted in PagePlus)

file circle.ppp attached


(5 replies, posted in PagePlus)

This is driving me crazy. I have been trying to draw a simple circle, line colour red, and fill colour transparent. I can draw this OK when I open a new publication, but when I open the template for my weekly newsletter, I cannot change it from a pale colour (red in this case) & pale fill (red). I've tried everything I can find to change the template.

I would start a new template but there's a lot to transfer over.

Have attached a plain ppp file, with the problem circle in it.


(5 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Which browser & which version of PagePlus are you using? I changed the filename of the pdf file exported from PPX9, and opened it in Google Chrome, and all I see is the new filename.


(3 replies, posted in PagePlus)

I'm not sure if this may help, but you could try checking for CMYK mode in PagePlus X9.
Got to Publication Setup/Intent/Primary Colour Mode CMYK

The dialogue suggests using RGB viewing on screen, or CMYK best for printing.

It's worth a try perhaps.
Welcome to the forum.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

In New Zealand, unfortunately most people don’t send Christmas cards now, mainly the messages are by phone, email or social media etc. But I still receive a few cards from family in the UK, there’s usually a letter inside. I like seeing the snow scenes, robins, nativity etc. Christmas is such a mixture of religious, European customs & superstitions, and of course the commercialism which almost overrides it all. And I like to see a short message printed inside. As above, the thought is the most important thing.

We should remember Sovereigns (1 Sovereign = £1)
and Guineas (1 Guinea originally worth £1, based on the price of gold, but because of fluctuating gold prices, eventually became fixed at 21 shillings) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinea_(coin)

I remember those terms very well.
And what about slang terms?

sixpence = 6d = tanner
shilling = 1/- = bob
pound = £1 = quid, nicker, note
5 pounds = fiver (Godiva)
10 pounds = tenner (Pavarotti - a famous tenor)
25 pounds = a pony (cockney)
500 pounds = a monkey
1000 pounds = a grand
I’d better stop there, there are multiple terms for cash itself!


(4 replies, posted in DrawPlus)

Thanks will take a look at that info, but, as you say, I think all is lost there.


(4 replies, posted in DrawPlus)

When I bought it some years ago, I copied to a CD which is gone or lost unfortunately, though there is still a product key in the PC somewhere. It's disappointing, I should have taken more care to backup.


(4 replies, posted in DrawPlus)

When my PC crashed last year I couldn't re-install my DrawPlus X6. I transferred what seems to be all the program files to another drive, but I am now trying to recover the program. When I click on the DrawPlus exe file it doesn't load, but a box shows something like "the default skin file cannot be found". I found the default.skin file in a sub-folder and copied it to the folder where the exe file is, but it still won't run the program. I am well out of my depth now, is there any chance of recovering it now?


(9 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Thank you both for your advice. I will get on to that. And thanks tomH for the screenshot, exactly what I want to do.


(9 replies, posted in PagePlus)

I am trying to put different texts into the top arc and bottom arc of a circle. I want this to be read the same way up (UNLIKE a coin for example, where text is read all the way around the circle.)

Using Artistic Text I can put the text in the top arc, but I can’t find a way to enter separate text into the bottom half, so it can be read the same way up. Maybe that’s not possible? I can push the second text along with the space bar, but then it’s upside down


(332 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nudist 1. “Have you read Marx?
Nudist 2. “Yes, it must be these wicker chairs!”



(2 replies, posted in PagePlus)

Thanks, will read that! And I’ve found the way to do it, had done it before but forgot. I also found the Character Shortcut Ctrl+Alt+8 , though it doesn’t include any indent.
Still learning.


(2 replies, posted in PagePlus)

I don’t use bullet points if I can avoid them, I usually transfer text received in MS Word, but it never seems to work for bullet points. So when I want to create bullet points in PPX9 and highlight a group of lines, only the first bullet point is created. And alternatively when I try to create a bullet point on the second line, the first one disappears. What’s going on? What should I be doing? Would like some help please..


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thanks Eric, it was lovely to see all that heritage well preserved. A great video.
Looks like you’ve got more rain on the way. Hope there’s no flooding this time.
We live in Nelson, have had our moments weather- wise!

Ooh yes - that's pretty good, can't centre the image once it's placed, but I'll find a way with picture frame. I'll have a play.
Thanks for that.

I've been trying to make a vignette' for a photo - can't find how to do it in X9.
I was able to do it in Triscape FX Foto, which has been on my PC for years, but I was hoping to do it in X9.
Any ideas? Image attached:


(8 replies, posted in Fonts)

Thank you all for your replies. Have it sorted now.

I uninstalled the font, & thought it best to delete and re-install as per Alfred's suggestion, but after I uninstalled it, I got the message
"Tahoma cannot be deleted because it is a protected System File."
So I rebooted, went back into PPX9, and it's all working fine now! Yippee! Must have chased out the gremlins. Strange how it only affected PagePlus.


(8 replies, posted in Fonts)

Was that the abridged one?


(8 replies, posted in Fonts)

Screenshot attached. There appears to be no relation to the normal & italic characters. Edit: Just noticed there appears to be a shift 2 characters to the right each time?
Maybe I will need to research further.
Thanks for your reply.

I was up your way in 2006 when I visited my late cousin in Chehalis.
