(17 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Hi Alfred and Eric, I'm going to have to postpone tying to get Movieplus on my new computer, I've got so many other things to do I'll have to try again at a later date.

Alfred, it is an *.mfu file, I just used the term files.

The other message I got was when I double clicked on a video clip, I've sorted that now, just me getting used to the new computer.

Eric, When I come to try it again, where do I load the unlock file to, before, I dragged it to the Movieplus X6 file, was that right or wrong, I've removed it at the moment.

Sorry to be a pain guys, I do appreciate your help, thank you

I always thought I was good with computers, but, at 93 perhaps I'm not so good as I thought.



(17 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Alan Hodkinson wrote:
ericlnz wrote:

Alan, I've sent you a PM.
As per the note at the forum header

Private messages: There is no pop-up alert for new PMs on these forums, so you need to look out for the PM link (near the top right-hand corner of the page) becoming bold.

Thank you so much Eric, Movieplus X6 is now loaded on the new computer, I am so grateful to you, thank you again.

Hi Eric and Alfred, well Movieplus x6 loaded onto the computer fine, I also loaded the unlocking files onto the computer too but it say they are not operative on this computer so I cant open clips in X6 or x5, shame, but don't know what else I can do now, never mind I've got Videopad I can work with.

Would it be that the unlock files wont work with Windows 11 which is now on my new computer.


(17 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

ericlnz wrote:

Alan, I've sent you a PM.
As per the note at the forum header

Private messages: There is no pop-up alert for new PMs on these forums, so you need to look out for the PM link (near the top right-hand corner of the page) becoming bold.

Thank you so much Eric, Movieplus X6 is now loaded on the new computer, I am so grateful to you, thank you again.


(17 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Eric and Alfred, Tried it again to no avail, so, tried my X5 disc, that's loaded fine, all working now, quite happy with that. Obvious something wrong with the X6 disc, at least I've got Movieplus now if I want it.

Thank you both again


(17 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thank you both Eric and Alfred, I'll have a go again later today with what you have said, I'll let you know later how I've got on.

I have got another Editing programme that I use, but do love Movieplus, just like to have it around.


(17 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Thank you for your reply, nothing happens when I put the disc in, it starts the green light and then just sits there, on one occasion the green light kept flashing on and off, and you could hear a rumbling in the drive, but nothing shows on the screen at all.

The drive works perfectly fine with other discs.

Very curious.


(17 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Hi Guys, wonder if any of you can help, I've just bought a new computer, it has Windows 11 on it, when I put my movieplus x6 disc in, it won't load. I have downloaded the unlock files onto a dongle, but haven't put it on the computer yet, should I have put the unlock files on the computer first before trying to load the movieplus disk, hope someone can help. TIA.



(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

pberk wrote:

Speaking of A.I. .. Here's my little A.I. Movie .. This is the same one I recently posted on the Vegas Forum.  Eric saw it over there.  But what the heck, I'll post it here too. 

This little robot story was written with the help of ChatGPT.

Romulus 13 min.

That's good, nice bit of filming and editing, flows well


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Hi Guys, see if this sounds any better with some ambient background in



(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

pberk wrote:

That's amazing Alan .. what software did that?

Just playing around, and I thought you can remove voice from a song and leave the orchestra, so why not the reverse, searched around
different things and found this


There may be better out there


(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

pberk wrote:

I go way back when we did 16mm double system sound .. maintaining lip sync was a chore.  My wife got very very good at spotting something that was just one frame out of sync.  To this day we notice when broadcast TV has it out of sync. 

I've done lots of "looping" (as I call it), by just re-recording the dialogue immediately after hearing it played back, trying to reproduce the dialogue pacing, feeling etc.  In other words,  mimicking the original. 

Eric, you did a marvelous job of dialogue replacement.  I'm sure very very few would ever notice it.   

I posted this little one minute demo on "looping" long ago on the Vegas Forum.  Worth repeating here.  At the time I was investigating all kinds of software that claimed it could eliminate "background" noise in the audio track.  "Looping" or "Dubbing" is many times a much better way.  And actually not that hard.

Looping .. 1 min.

Paul, well I managed to get rid of the piano doing a bit of experimenting, but I've got a little bit of echo or something on the voice



(0 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

For some time now, I have trying out NCH VideoPad editing system, I was beginning to dread the day that Movieplus may pack up, or I may upgrade the PC and not be able to get Movieplus to work, but I think I have now found something to replace it in VideoPad.
I downloaded it for free and used it for several weeks, at first it all seems strange, and you don't think you can do what you did with Movieplus, but stay with it and just keep playing and playing and playing, it all come good, so much so that I have now purchased it and registered it so I can get any updates.
The more I use it, the more I like it and can work quicker.
Give VideoPad a try, it won't cost you anything.



(21 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

I love my MoviePlus, But always nagging  at the back of my head is where would I be without it, so I had been looking around at other software to replace it in case that dreadful day ever came.

I've recently tried NCH VideoPad, It's free to download and use, I got on with it fairly well, so I bought it, now everything works.

I put this little video up on youtube that I edited in VideoPad yesterday, the time it took I could have done in a fraction of the time with Movieplus, Exporting it to an Mp4 seemed to take forever but the quality is very good, This is the video, the early clips are from the late 1980's taken on an old 8mm shoulder mounted camera.



(21 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

I've been using MoviePlus since 3x whether before that I don't know but it seems like years and years, on the shelf as I say I've got 3x,5x, and 6X, I couldn't be without it, I've got Corel VideoStudio and NCH VideoPad but I keep coming back to MoviePlus, for me it's great, I work quickly with it and it just flows.

I used to cover Speedway matches and make up DVD's for sale in the track shop, My wife is into dog showing, so I have videoed Dog Shows too, some of those are on my youtube, and of course I'm always videoing our Elkhounds

I just love Video editing, been doing it since 1980, crash editing then between VHS machines, today's a doddle



(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

That was lovely Gordon, This is why I love going fishing, I like to just sit quietly on the bank and watch the wildlife, with the ground bait and other baits like maggots around you, if you're very still and quiet all sorts of things will come out to steal the bait.

I never catch many fish, I'm too busy watching the wildlife


Alfred wrote:

MvPX3 was followed by version X5 and preceded by version 5 (without the X). I think the predecessor of MvP5 was technically version 4 but simply released as ‘MoviePlus’; perhaps there was a real version 1 before that.

I still have version X5 as well as X6 on my Computer.

What got me talking about old versions was that I clicked on X5 today just to look at it again, and it came up and loaded a project I'd been working on in X6, perfectly good for working on, all I could really find missing immediately is the ability to create and store titles, they put it in X6, but it never did work properly.

It is nice to be able to talk again with fellow MoviePlus users, thank you so much for this forum, I don't know how long I have been with MoviePlus, I've still got X3 on the shelf, whether I started before that I don't know, It seems like forever, I was Adobe before


Alfred wrote:

As you say, Serif knew about this bug but didn’t fix it before they discontinued development of MoviePlus. I don’t think there’s anything that users can do about it.

I did get "off my bike" a bit at Serif, as I said to them "you're still selling this Editor knowing that it has a fault", they didn't answer me after that, they just wouldn't help me at all

Such a shame because I love using this Editor, I've got others but prefer using this.


I can park a new title in the preset gallery, but if I try to delete one the system crashes, when you recover the project the title is still in the gallery.

I've had this problem a long time, Serif didn't want to help me, they knew about it, a few months after that they dropped MoviePlus.

Does anyone on here have any workaround for it, or has no one come across it, I love MoviePlus and want to go on using it as long as I can.

I'd love to get this fixed, any ideas folks, Thanks.



(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

GStree wrote:
Alan Hodkinson wrote:

Another attempt at lip sync with cine film and Audio tape,  a bit of 8mm film I took in our garden in the 1970's and had an Audio tape recorder running, never did do anything with it then, came across the tape a while ago and the film, with playing around with the film speed managed to get it together.

It's a bit noisy as we were on a hill under the flight path from Luton Airport


Hi Alan thanks for joining in, I used to sync a lot of my 8mm & S8 films up all those years ago, and I did then go on to buy a S8 sound camera that I used until I went to the first actual "video" with all the clumsy heavy equipment back in the day. The latest generation of camcorders and editing equipment that we have now are so good that it is quite possible to make a decent film (in broadcast quality) that people would go and actually watch, without being pressganged into the "Baby On The Lawn" epics that a lot of people made (but some still do) !!
Now of course a humble mobile phone "can now produce" amazing footage.

Hi Gordon, Yes, how things have moved on over the years, it's so easy now with digital editing in making videos, I bought my first video camera at the end of the 70's, when I tried editing it was just crash editing between 2 VHS machines, by the mid 80's I was buying editing machines, things were getting better.

These are pictures of some of my analogue editing equipment about 1990



(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

Another attempt at lip sync with cine film and Audio tape,  a bit of 8mm film I took in our garden in the 1970's and had an Audio tape recorder running, never did do anything with it then, came across the tape a while ago and the film, with playing around with the film speed managed to get it together.

It's a bit noisy as we were on a hill under the flight path from Luton Airport



(722 replies, posted in MoviePlus)

In the 1960's I did an Old Time Music Hall in which I did an impersonation of the old artist Gus Elen singing "it's a great big shame",  a while ago I attempted to lip sync the old Audio tapes of that show to an old film of Gus Elen, I nearly got it right


PS Alan Clark was my Stage Name