
(130 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

William wrote:
Alfred wrote:

A noble sentiment, perhaps, but how are such things to be policed (other than by self-censorship)? If I write “I hope these darned socks don’t need darning again soon”, depending on how you read it you might be offended by the adjective.

By using the Sergeant Wilson style approach of asking someone using such language if they could possibly try please in future to contribute more effectively to the genteel enviroment of the forum.


I wasn’t asking about the form of words to be used when requesting care in how one expresses oneself, I was alluding to the difficulty of determining whether (for example) the word “darned” is a minced oath or a simple use of the past tense.


(130 replies, posted in General Discussion)

KarenPL wrote:

To be quite honest, my view is that if people are only interested in the looks of their pets, then the pets are better off without them.  https://punster.me/images/whistling.gif

Nicely put! https://punster.me/images/thumbup1.gif


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jackneve wrote:

What on earth are you on about mending socks?  The diversion from topic is yours!

Not so, Jack! William was responding to my post where I wrote:

Alfred wrote:

Are we to be debarred from discussing the mending of socks?

That followed on from your observation:

jackneve wrote:

This is no place for serious obscenity, but please live in the modern world. It is not genteel, but we don't have to go towards the use of words like darn, and consarn for damn.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

William wrote:

I consider that we should not be prevented from discussing the mending of socks when that is done in good faith, but mentioning of the mending of socks should not be used as a way to depart from making one's best efforts to participate in the maintaining of a genteel environment.


A noble sentiment, perhaps, but how are such things to be policed (other than by self-censorship)? If I write “I hope these darned socks don’t need darning again soon”, depending on how you read it you might be offended by the adjective.


(130 replies, posted in General Discussion)

KarenPL wrote:

they are perceived not to be photogenic

Perceived by whom, Karen? Binx certainly doesn’t fall into that category as far as I’m concerned, nor either of your other two.


(332 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Alfred wrote:
William wrote:

Is this forum using continental time?

It is not yet midnight in the United Kingdom.

I see GMT here, William. Your post is timestamped 23:56:45.

Upon further investigation, I’ve found that the Settings section in your profile has a tick in the ‘Daylight saving time’ checkbox. Clear the box, scroll down and press the ‘Update settings’ button to fix the issue.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

William wrote:

My apologies, I had already changed my post before I saw your post.

You had quoted me before I changed it.

Thanks, William. That makes more sense now!

Unfortunately, you’ve highlighted yet another of those awkward examples. Are we to be debarred from discussing the mending of socks?


(332 replies, posted in General Discussion)

William wrote:

Is this forum using continental time?

It is not yet midnight in the United Kingdom.

I see GMT here, William. Your post is timestamped 23:56:45.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

William wrote:

Do people go around talking like that in their everyday lives?

Is that a rhetorical question, like this one?

William wrote:

I never use the toned-down terms that Alfred mentioned either.

What “toned-down” terms do you mean, William? I referred to a proper noun, a kind of fish and a type of mammal, none of which is a euphemism for something vulgar.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I’m reluctant to be too strict about this, William. Although there is a ‘swear filter’ on this forum, such things are indiscriminate: I remember one occasion where a user on CommunityPlus tried to sign off as ‘Dick’ but got his name censored. I don’t think we want to end up being unable to talk about carp or donkeys just because the forum software decides that we mean something else!


(130 replies, posted in General Discussion)

GB wrote:

Black cats are considered unlucky in the US.

Black cats are considered unlucky over all of mainland Europe, with the exception of Normandy.

SUPERSTITIOUS? – Good luck with that


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jackneve wrote:

It’s presented here at thumbnail size to keep the page dimensions down. Click on it for a larger view.

Then if I do a left click, as is normal, and by hard to break habit, the picture will display in a large size, from which page I can't recover - see earlier remarks.

There seems to be no reverse navigation - working backwards through the selection and display process

Doesn’t your browser’s ‘Back’ button bring you back here, Jack? It should do!


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jackneve wrote:

I wonder why this picture has come out so small. Where is the best place to adjust its size?

It’s presented here at thumbnail size to keep the page dimensions down. Click on it for a larger view.


(130 replies, posted in General Discussion)

KarenPL wrote:

As soon as I can figure out how to post photos from my PC I certainly shall.

New feature! Click on the ‘Add image to post’ link below the message box. Your photo will be uploaded to the postimage website and then shared here.


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Just testing!



(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I’m afraid I haven’t yet found out how to avoid the two-stage process of adding an image as an attachment and then embedding it in a post. Anyway, thanks for sharing that lovely photo!



(130 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Post your cat anecdotes and pictures here.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jackneve wrote:

Would I be heavily criticised if I pleaded for a Cats only thread?

Certainly not by yours truly!

jackneve wrote:

I'm willing to start a cats' thread, but maybe someone else could pick up the baton.

Consider it done. https://punster.me/images/smile.gif


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Welcome, Joe. I’m glad you decided to join us.


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jackneve wrote:

I wonder - do images have to be in a specific format, like .png?
Are .gif and .jpg images not accepted?

I would expect all three of those formats to be equally acceptable.

Also, does the tag material inside the first img code point, as shown in image help, have to be inserted if the image doesn't come from a universally available website?

The text inside the opening {img} tag is ‘alt’ text (for screen readers, or displayed in place of the image if the latter fails to load). It can therefore be helpful in some situations but it isn’t obligatory.


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jackneve wrote:

important question, again,

Sorry if I overlooked it earlier!

How do you close an attachment and go back to the posts?
I have to more or less shut off the thread.

If you mean that the attachment replaces what was previously visible in the current browser tab, I’d have thought that the simplest solution is to open it with a right-click instead of a left-click so that you can choose to view it in a separate tab.

I hope these questions and their answers are useful to new users of the site.

They’ve already given me food for thought, Jack, so I’m sure they’ll be useful to other members, too.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

How can I make it a url based on a file in my computer?

Unless you’re running a server on your PC you need to upload the file as an attachment so that it has a URL that you can use.